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The feeling of abandonment overwhelmed me as I realised that no one had waited, or cared where I was

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The feeling of abandonment overwhelmed me as I realised that no one had waited, or cared where I was.

Emily Williams


"Come in" he answered the knock on the door.

She opened the door silently as she made her way towards his table. She no more feel sweats in her palms when she's around him as she sees him often nowadays.

"Sir, I've gone through all the processes Abreshmina told me and here is the application for two weeks of leave" she handed him the paper.

He remained silent as he read through it. "You're getting married?" He questioned as he sign the paper.



"In three days Sir. Here's the invitation card, hope you'll come Sir"

"In Shaa Allah. You'll have to photocopy this, keep the original with you and give Abreshmina the photocopied one and she'll enter it to your file" he hands her back the paper.

"OK Sir, thank you" she replied and rose to leave.

"Ms Danish" he calls her name as soon as she reaches the door.


"I'll definitely come" he said stretching his beard and she gave him a tight smile with a nod before exiting.


Lina watched from her room's window how people busied themselves around their house compound. Some sat down chatting among themselves, some with their children, while some walk from one angle to another in search of their children.

Of all the hundred people in the house Lina barely know twenty of them. All are Ommata's friends and cousin and few of Lina's friends from College.

She watch them with joy and happiness in her eyes as she remember they are all here to share their happiness with her, to prove to her that she's mistaken when she thinks that nobody likes her, to remember her of the new life waiting for her ahead.

She sighed in relief knowing that she's in good terms with her father. But her mood instantly change as she remembered his confession to her, the thoughts of her father being once a gambler just gloom her happiness. She never imagined in any way her father will turns out to be a gambler upto the extent that he'll gamble all his life savings and even sell his daughter off to a total stranger.

A tap on the shoulder startle her as she turns to her back only to see Ms Rayn with a wide grin plastered on her cheeks.

"Salam Habibty Lina" Lina snuggled unto her hand that is still on her shoulder.

"Wa'alaikissalam Ms Rayn. How are you doing?" She questioned looking back to the window.

"You're the one supposed to be asked how you're doing because I'm perfectly okay and happy. What of you?" she sat down close to her by the window side interlacing their fingers.

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