Chapter 22 | LEAKAGE

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Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by tears once in a while, so that we can see life in a clearer view again.


"Junaid...he broke our engagement"

"HE WHAT?!" Lina screeched

"Yes Lina. He broke the engagement"

"Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihir rajioon. When? Why?" She asked her simultaneously.

"Yesterday. A week before your wedding, I was at my Saturdays tutorial for women right when Mama called me, she told me that I have to leave everything I'm doing and come home as soon as possible. I was a little bit startled with the urgency but she assured me that nothing was wrong, it was just that Junaid wanted to see me.

When I got home, I found him with my father seated in the foyer. We greeted each other and he asked for privacy from my father. Baba left us alone because he was absolutely optimistic of Junaid's behaviour. Then he started blabbing and pleading to me that we should postpone our marriage which is supposed to be done next month to seven month's time. When I asked him why, he told that he got fired at work and he's now running out of funds that he saved for the wedding. I talked with my parents and they both agree.

And then yesterday after Maghrib prayer he came to our house. I, Baba, Mama, Nabiha and Yaqub were all in the foyer when he came in directly with neither Salam nor knock. They were all startled but I was ashamed and dumbstruck. He gawk at Baba quizzically before his eyes landed on me. He strode towards me hastily as I stood there quivering. The moment he was inches away from me, he removed his ring and threw it at my face. At first I stared at him expressionless, but when I realised it was our engagement ring, I looked at him furiously as rage of anger built inside me.

But the moment those words left his mouth, I became too loose and confused, I don't want this marriage. His words echoed with great volt in my head. But still I forced myself not to show him that I was cracking internally. He left with no other words as my parents and siblings were all shocked with the event. Until now Lina, I couldn't get myself controlled. Throughout yesterday I locked myself in the room crying my mind out. I don't know what kind of tyranny is this" her voice sank deep into melancholy.

"Ya Rabb! Why this? Why this on you?" She asked no one in particular "I never knew he was this brutal and cold-hearted. Ya Allah! How could he do such an immoral act? Did he took you for granted or what? He never deserved you though, he never deserved your smiles and your humours, you're way too far for a masochist like him. I never imagined him to be like this.

Ommata, put it in mind that Junaid was never meant for you, Allah make everything happen for the best and I'm sure taking Junaid away from your life is the best. Surely only Allah knows what he has destined in the future and no one can predict it but trust me when I say that Noor(light) is awaiting you ahead. He only came to your life to make you understand what love is and he went away to make you learn how to stand on your own feet whenever you loose someone dear to you. Don't make this ruin your happiness Ommata, Allah is always with us" she consoled her.

"How I wish you're beside me Lina. Your words have a silent charm that always makes me soft, only you know how to calm my temper when I'm desperate. How I wish you're just right here beside me"

"I might not be present physically but you're always in my mind Ommata. Whenever we're distant we communicate through our hearts; by remembering our past, savouring our present and planning on our future, through that we'll never be apart"

Whenever any of them is in a fix, the other helps in healing quickly. One doesn't only help the other to heal quickly but help both of them to heal because the problem of one whether it's a family issue or not is always the problem of the other.

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