Chapter 24 | APOLOGY?

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Three days from last update. Don't I need an applaud? Enjoy.

We are all like the bright moon, we still have our darker side.

Khalil Gibran


For the past two days Lina had been stuck within the four walls of her room. All she did was sleep, eat, watch movies and go for a morning exercises within the surrounding of their hotel.

Since after the day they went to the cinema, they haven't been out again. His main and solid reason was because of the sickness of Areeba and of course winter too was another great disadvantage. For the past two days it has been snowing and no one dreaded to be out.

She threw the plastic cup of the hot chocolate she just finished from where she was sitting on the bed under the covers into the bin. Fortunately it entered into the bin and she chimed herself.

Her phone ringed and she groaned audibly. The phone was at the charging point beside her dresser and she didn't want to expose herself out of the duvet. She wrapped it around herself as she make her way towards the dresser.

She took the phone eagerly as she read the caller Id and answered it with a genuine smile as she made her way back to the bed.

"Assalamu Alaiki Labiba" her voice echoed at the other end. It took some minutes before Labiba answered her with a shaky voice.

"Ameen, Wa'alaikissalam Lina" her voice came back so flat and emotionless. Lina irked with the flatness in her voice.

She hate it whenever she's active and the other person seems flat. But she never tolerates it when she's annoyed and someone tries to disturb her with some stupid humours. They'll only end up fighting.

"What's wrong Labiba. You sound quiet" Lina asked her.

"Abuya...he..." she broke down crying helplessly. Lina's world turned upside-down. She couldn't remember the last time she witness Labiba crying. There must be a huge problem facing her.

"Labiba why are you crying? What's wrong with Abuya? Is he sick?" She asked her but she remain silent as she kept sobbing uncontrollably.

"Labiba please talk. Your silence is killing me. Tell me what's wrong with Abuya"

"She's dead. Abuya told me just right now Lina, she's dead" she answered after a while and immediately the words left her mouth, she broke down again.

Lina on the other end remained silent as the words register in her head. She mentally repeated the words before she composed her self to speak again.

"Labiba please calm down. You're worsening the situation. Breathe in and out calmly Labiba" she did as Lina told her after some time. "Now, tell me calmly what's wrong Labiba. Who is dead?" She asked her.

"Abuya called me some minutes ago Lina. He sounded depressed and broken. I asked him what's wrong and he first asked me whether I belive in Qadr or not, I answered him and that was when he spilled the news at my ears. Lina, Ms Amrah and granny got into a car accident in the morning on their way to the hospital and...and.." she broke down again.

"Labiba please calm down and tell me what happened next. You're making me imagine the worst. Please tell me, how are they?" She asked her panicking.

"Ms Amrah is in the ICU while granny...she passed away Lina"

"No! She can't be dead. Not now" Lina shouted as tears well up in her eyes.

She couldn't believe that her grandmother is dead. They have been apart for years. She missed her caring, she missed her jokes, she missed her scolding, she missed everything about her when nobody was there to cater for her, when her mother was dead and her father turn his back at her. She had no other person backing her except for Ms Rayn and Labiba.

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