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Be like a tree and let the dead leaves drop.



Lina sat on the chair across from the parking lot with her phone on one hand and the business card on the other hand and a cup of orange juice on the table with three cupcakes and two doughnuts. She's alone in the house after she has finish shedding her crocodile tears where she debated with Ms Amrah about going with them to the hospital. She really wanted to go and be with her granny during the therapy but Ms Amrah shoved her away saying she'll get hyper emotional there and will be a liability to her.

She have been there for the past twenty minutes with her phone, she has already typed in the number but couldn't call it. She's too anxious and nervous about the call. After gathering up another courage she pressed it and held the phone up to her ear.

Before it rang she quickly ended the call breathing heavenly. She really wanted the job but some instincts in her were just not accepting her idea. She wasn't afraid but her nervousness overshadow her hopes. She just hope everything goes on smoothly and gently as expected.

Lina you can do it!


Breathe in,

Breathe out,

She encouraged her self more before she pressed her thumb against the screen again more hopefully than before. The most terrifying five seconds of Lina's life as the phone rang, it's actually going to decide her destiny or more like her fate. Her stomach grumbled and scrunched as she heard a voice from the other line.

"Hello." Came a lady's voice.



"Is someone there?" Lina gulped hard afraid that if she didn't make a move and shift aside her anxiousness she might destroy everything and mess it up.


"This is Vee Arts Collaboration. How may I help you dear?" Now her voice wasn't as gruffy as she picked the phone. Even with the she said it Lina could imagine she was smiling. That, gave her hope.

"Uhmm..I was actually given the business card of your company by your manager Uhmm...Mr Xavier Bassam and I want to apply for a post..." Understanding her nervousness, the other woman spoke up.

"Oh, It's true we're having a vacancy for employment there but are you sure you've meet up the criteria for the job?"

"Yes, I have my degree in Art."

"Ok. Now tell me your email account username so that we can contact you if necessary."

Lina hurriedly stated out email address, said the pleasantries and ended the call with a sigh of relief. She never thought it'll be this quick and awkward-less. She prayed internally, if it's the best for her then so be it and if not, may it be replaced with the better one.

If it's the best and she was able to get it then that means she'll finally make it to her dream and be the one no one ever thought she could be! She picked up her cake and munched on it savouring the icing on top with her broad smile.


Ms Amrah with the help of Lina helped Ms Maria in taking the few steps in the porch before placing her down on her wheeling chair, entering the house they close the door behind them. Upon reaching the main parlour they gently took her off the chair before lying her down on the three sitter. They adjusted her legs before all the two go separate ways; Ms Amrah to her room while Lina got back to her cooking. Since Ms Amrah wasn't in the house she was the one preparing their launch.

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