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You know what is painful? Walking on the pieces of your broken heart, 'cause you're to walk away right? Even if you don't want to. Even if walking away kills you. But dying isn't an option.

Fatima M. Kollere


November 8th, 2022.

Assalamu Alaikum.

How're y'all? I hope this gets to you in the best of health.

So, it's official! Expectations and Reality has ended, 4years 10months later. That was wayyyyyyy too long right? Trust me, I know! Alhamdulillah tho, for being able to complete it in this long time.

Sooooo, let's go down some memory lane. I love giving gists, albeit I'm not too good at it.

Back then in 2017, that was when I wrote the first draft of EAR, somewhere around December, can't precisely remember the date. So, few days later, maybe a week? I went on holiday to my cousin's and coincidentally I met one of my cousins there as well, Nuwairah; she's my friend and my Wattpad reading partner.

You know those moments when you meet a fellow reader, you gist about all the books you've read and the ones you're yet to. So, amidst the conversations I told her that I've written some drafts but I was not really willing to share with her then. She kept persisting, I didn't show her. So this girl had the guts to steal my phone from me to read the drafts! Just imagine the stress!

Later on she told me that I have a good plot and setting and that I should keep up the writing process. Well, that motivated me a lot! So in a way, I can say she was the sole motivation behind my writing journey, she was the first to support me.

So, December 15th, 2017, I published the first few chapters (can't precisely remember how many). But still I was kinda insecure about it, (I'm honestly the type of person that LOVES writing and few more things but I'm almost always insecure about sharing, I love keeping my things to myself). So, two weeks later I took the chapters down and decided to reconstruct them. And I did. I republished the book either 30th or 31st January, 2018, (mind you, I'm VERY good with dating. I don't know HOW I forgot this date).

Anyways, that was how the journey began, I was very consistent with updating fortnightly until early 2019 when I started my finals at high school, that was when I took a break. And then... well we know the rest. Procrastination set in. It'd take me months before I write a chapter. At some point, I honestly felt like giving up and deleting the book because we both felt like an independent entity (the book and I), like, I can no more relate to the characters, I can barely remember somethings about them. If I've to write, I'd have to read like five chapters back before I miss somethings, that was what triggered me giving up.

But then, God in His infinite mercy, blessed me with the most greatest of friends through poetry (yea, sometimes I do poetry); Ali, Ibrahim, Fatima and Sadiya. These people gave me every hope and reason I needed to chase my dream. They made me realize nothing was impossible and the sky was just the starting point. Their words of encouragement was what rekindled the spirit of writing in me and in a way, it felt as if I owe them a debt, and I can only pay back by completing this book. And here we are, almost five years, I was able to do this. And I'm proud!

Albeit there might be a hell lot of cut offs in this book (at some point I lost my story outline, don't blame me) I hope this book was able to impact a thing or two in your lives. Be it socially, intellectually, emotionally or any other way, I hope you learned some few good things through your journey to the very last chapter.

And... well, I have few more book drafts which I don't know when I'll continue working on them, but I hope to publish them here one day, someday. And I promise they'll be worth it, way more than Expectations and Reality (for honestly, reading the first twenty five to thirty chapters of this book gives me shrills and I know they gave you as well).

And yes, I'm using this opportunity to give a shout out to my motivators. Do check on 'Scratched' by AleeLawan and 'Unplanned Future' by maleeeka11 . I promise you, there WON'T be any regrets whatsoever, the books are absolutely worth it!

I guessssssss... I should stop ranting huh? Jazakumullahu Khairan to those of you that were here since from the scratch to this very day, to those that left halfway through the book and those that joined halfway. Without y'all, we wouldn't have made it here! May God bless you in all your endeavors, grants you all your good wishes and always be there for you. Ameen Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum.

Pray for me also, please. Thank you!

Fi Amanillah!


Life is a challenge with so many hurdles on the way, a lot of uncertainties and doubts, but with you, no measure of time will be long enough.

Nusaiba Mustapha

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