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Sometimes you don't know who you can trust. I still learn that over and over again.

Demi Lovato


"Sir?" She whispered his name with a husky tone.

"Sir?" She called again but much louder than before when he didn't make a move in answering her.

She pinched her cheek thrice to make sure she isn't dreaming. Of course he promised her to attend her wedding but what will brought him to her house at this midnight.

She was so curious for Khaldun to arrive so as to save her from this drunkard but at the same time she was anxious of how he'll react when he sees her with a drunkard on their first day of wedding.

He took a step towards where she is and she took a step backward.

"Why..are hiccup you....running sneeze away fromme?" He questioned stumbling forward.

She look around her but there isn't anything she can use to defend herself.

"Won' hiccup here?" He asked opening his arm wide.

"Don't come near me" she threatened out but before she could close her mouth he was already one step away from her.

"Come hiccup my love" he said pinning her to the wall and the next thing heard was a piercing wince from him. He robed his forehead in dismay.

A scowl took over his face and his eyes became even much more darker than before. Her stomach crunches up with the sight and abruptly she threw the box of tissue she used on him in the air.

She swayed in different directions as she try to loosen his grip upon her wrist that has already swell up.

"Don't you dare!" He shouted as if he's back to his sense but soon he proved her wrong as he gave a snort of laughter.

Her face crunches and her stomach become tighter as her stimulus responds to the air surrounding her. All filled the air is the strong odour coming from his mouth that clearly defined how of alcoholic he is.

All she needed now was the restroom. Taking advantage of how he's observing his forehead, she threw him off her body and she run helter-skelter to the corridor.

This time she didn't mistaken the doors as she clearly now how she'll be running from frying pan to fire if she turns the door knob of the right side door.

In an eye blink she was inside her room and lock the door from inside and hurriedly made her way to the restroom.

She poured out the little content of her stomach unto the toilet. She place her hand at the end of her throat so as to quench her desire of pouring everything out but ended up with blurry eyes as tears start to well up in them.

She washed her mouth as still tears were running down her cheeks. She flushed the toilet before she curled up her body in a ball behind the door rocking back and forth.

She ran a hand through her hair messing it up. Her mind couldn't settle for a bit as her heart beat keep increasing with each second passing by. She is in a state of dilemma and total confusion. She couldn't decide about the thoughts running through her mind as both seem equally negative.

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