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Tears come from the heart and not from the brain

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Tears come from the heart and not from the brain.

Leonardo Da Vinci


It wasn't a dream.

It was real!

It was her spouse, indeed!

Her head hung low as her shoulder collided with Suri's, all of them right behind Khaldun as he led them in prayer, uniting them to their only solicitor. It might seem peculiar and absurd but for the moons Lina had been with Khaldun, he'd never led them in prayer. She'd never heard his voice while reading the Qur'an. In fact, she'd never saw him pray in the house. Most of the time, when it's prayer time, he goes out of the house and she usually assumes that he goes to the Mosque.

She have read it in books, articles and even on the social platforms how women share their experiences when they heard their spouse reading or when he's leading them in prayer but in her on case she felt indifferent. Indifferent in the sense that she know she's only devoted to her Lord and all. His voice didn't quite 'reprimanded' her or 'plunged' her towards his love as she'd read of those words occasionally in articles but rather, his voice gave her a sensational feeling and hope of better longing strands ahead. A feeling that maybe, just maybe, one day everything will be back to normal.

It's being said that when one is encircled in misfortune and often faces dilemma, one should near his Lord in either ways of ibadah, be it spiritually, physically or emotionally. Lina didn't see that quite fit until now. She felt as if she's reaching towards her 'ease' and it felt everlasting.

With their 'Salam', they ended their Maghrib prayer and they all sat in quietude silence as each prayed to his Lord. As it holds for moons, Lina's prayer was still the same, happiness and peace with her spouse was her yearning and for sure her everyday prayer. It might not be answered today or tomorrow but surely Allah knows what is the best and when it's best to have it. If Khaldun's change is surely the better best, then Allah will never turn down her prayer for his change.

It was Suri that first broke the silence and they all turned towards her. "What do you guys want to have for dinner?" Although she was referring to all of them but internally she was only asking Lina.

It might seems bizarre but since from the other day when Khaldun yelled at Suri after he'd returned back home with an injured arm, they haven't been in good terms. She was distancing herself away from him out of fear of what he had change to be. She'd never experienced that side of him and what terrified her was his indifferent attitude as well towards her ignoring him, it seems like he didn't care.

"Let's go and make something out of nothing, my dear." A wary smile coated Lina's lips as she made a move to stand.

"No, I mean, I'm alright I can do anything. Just tell me." Suri smiled back at her as she stole a glance towards her brother. He was engrossed in his phone, his attention was never with them. Her shoulders slumped in defeat as she stood.

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