Chapter 40 | SPOUSE?

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Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the hint of light on broken glass

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Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the hint of light on broken glass.

Anton Chekhov


The morning breeze rattled against the wooden door endeavouring to unfold its frosty blanket inside the room. Khaldun's toes curled under his feet as he gaped at the helpless body lying on the bed. The chaos and commotion encircling his head alone was able to deprive him from sleep the previous night, talk less of the situation he got himself into.

As he watch her figure on the bed, with her heart monitor beeping slowly, a tear trickled down his face and his lips wobbled against each other. He wasn't terrified because of what has happened but because of who the misfortune fell on. A woman, his spouse. He, at times, could be a wretched barbarian but for once he had never thought of causing an endless pain to a woman. He was a sadistic and he admits that but all his shady acts were only directed to his fellow rogues. He had never lay his barbaric hand on a female in the cause of barbarism, not for once. And the misfortune was the first time he approached to such, he approached his spouse.

When the doctor informed him about Lina's state of health, he became perplexed. Many scenarios played in his mind but he tried discarding them as he thought of a way out. He had never been with a heart patient. He knows not how to treat them, how to converse with them, share emotions or know when they feel isolated. For once he never knew she was a heart patient and the news was like a stiffed volcano spurt to his quivering frail heart. As the doctor told him, she was once being attacked with almost the same scenario, he wonders where and how, its cause and her pains.

When the breeze finally had a peek into the room, the stubborn among the fellow companions of the wind unfurled their wings and danced around the room, sending a little shivers and quivers to Khaldun before they packed their tidings of little particles and took on flight.

He gaped at the metallic wallclock that was placed against the elegant building of the hospital room with disdain and melancholy. With every tick it made, the more he became alerted about what the future might brings and the more he became confused about his current condition. Terrified, wasn't he alone. He was perplexed and frazzled. Wrinkles formed at the edge of his eyes out of tiredness and restlessness. The more he thinks of a way out, the more confused he becomes.

He had been rooted in his spot since after the doctor gave him his permission to enter, what he saw made him rooted. He hardly goes to a hospital but the sight in front of him made him want to strangle his throat. Not because the person lying there is his spouse but because he is the one responsible for her misfortune.

For moons all he wanted was to see her in pain and grief but today, her sight made him cursed his actions. He regretted his earlier actions towards her. He regretted his barbaric manner towards his innocent sister. He regretted what he told his spouse. He squeezed his eyes as they were becoming loose due to lack of sleep. He'd been in the room with her since around midnight and it had been almost eight hours now but still he couldn't sleep. He feared it that when he sleep something bad might occur to her. He preferred being up, perhaps he'll help in such condition.

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