Chapter 31 | DARED

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I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.

Nelson Mandela


Lina parked her little happiness into the parking lot of their office, locked it and went straight into the building. As usual, she was welcomed by the signature smile of Abreshmina.

"Good morning Ms Danish"

"Morning too. Why's the office so silent today?" She asked signing in.

"One, maybe because you came a little late, and two, because they are all in the hall, the meeting started twenty minutes ago, you have to hurry so as not to get into a mess with boss." She gave her a teasing sympathetical glance.

"Oh, really. Let me get going. See you later" she exited the reception to the meeting hall, nervousness overtaking her. It was the first time she's attending a meeting in the office. She knows nothing about their principles of meeting. Will she be shouted at the face of all because of her lateness?

The door to the meeting hall bolted open and now all eyes turned to her. It was true the meeting has started. They were in a deep conversation when she entered. Nervousness overtook her with all the eyes on her. Twisting her left index finger in her right palm, she looked up at him.

"We don't have enough time, take your seat" his voice came out a little bashful.

A whoosh of air escaped her lips. Sighing in relief, she went over to the empty seat which gladly was beside Sophia. Even though his voice sounded more of embarrassment, it didn't mattered to her. At least she was allowed in without yellings, she was given a chance. A chance worth itself.

It was all because of him she was late to the meeting. If only he didn't try to burn the house down!

"So now each of you will be given his own personal task which will serve as an awarded mark towards the assessment at the end." That caught her ears. She looked up at Sophia, confused.

"Stages to go through before the final winner will emerge to Luminato Art Festivals." Sophia made it clear to her and she sighed again.

"When is the Luminato Festivals?" She whispered to her excitedly.

"In three months time." Sophia whispered back with equal enthusiasm.

"And we're starting our personal project from now!" She yelled, her voice raising. Few colleagues that were close to them turned to them, giving them surreal glances.

"See what you cause" Sophia nudged her by the arm.

"Each of you will be sent a personal email about his own project and a fixed date for everyone of you to show me the improvements you've made so far before the presentation. The presentation will be due in a months time. From that we'll choose those that'll emerge to the final and the final round too will equally take a month and the final winner will be the one to represent Vee Arts Collaboration in Luminato Art Festivals. Any questions for now?" He sat back on his chair, sipping his cup of coffee.

"Sir, how will the final winner be chosen?" Bilaal asked.

"The winner depends on you. Your votes will say out the one to reach the Luminato Festivals. The presentation will be done at the eyes of all. After the presentation, each of you that didn't participate will vote and the one with highest votes definitely will emerge to Luminato Art Festivals."

"What if there is a tie, Sir?" Lauren asked.

"Then definitely they'll be another presentation but in a short period. It may lead to the failure or success of one. The reason for the shortage of time is for us to know whether they're as eligible as we thought or not."

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