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There's a voice that doesn't use words, listen.



It was already past eight and Labiba and Ayoub have left since before Maghrib as Looth was coming back from office.

"Ms Amrah how many sugar cubes?" Lina shouted from the kitchen asking Ms Amrah as she was making her coffee.

"Two cubes for each of us." She shouted back.

At the same time her teapot 'click' meaning her tea is ready so she poured it into her mug adding her own sugar and milk. Arranging all three cups on the tray she headed out of the kitchen to the main parlour.

Serving them their cups she took her seat from across the centre table opposite to Ms Amrah. Silence enveloped them as they were all in different thoughts along siping from their cups.

Ms Maria, Lina's Granny's case was getting worse day by day. She really don't talk as before well, she's not only losing her memory but she's also forgetting how to talk, she no more know any name of an object talk less of a person. Like two days back she kept blabbing 'river' until Ms Amrah was able to recognise that she was thirsty and in need of water.

Lina thought Ms Maria has gone mute but when Ms Amrah reassured her that it was the best for her current situation she became less emotional.

"Ms Amrah I want to make a decision but I want to know of your opinion." She placed her tea down and Ms Amrah nodded in encouragement.

"There's one guy I ran into about two days ago in an ice-cream parlour and well, we coincidentally met again yesterday at Sunnyside and when he saw my painting he was like his father has an office and they will contest for International Awards and they have been looking for those with degree in Art and Crafts but couldn't find one so he even gave me his card saying if I want to I can apply."

"What do you think dear?"

"Well Ms Amrah for so long I've been looking for a job but couldn't find any so I'll be stupid if I'll just dusk away his offer." She smiled.

"Well that's good my dear!" Ms Amrah chimed with her own broad smile.

"And I wouldn't want to still be a burden on you and granny. I was seeking shelter, you gave me a house; hungry, you fed me; anxious, you calmed my fear; crying, you offered me a shoulder. How do you think I'll ever repay you Ms Amrah?" Her lips changed from a grin to a sympathetic smile.

"Oh my dear!" Ms Amrah stood and rounded the table until she was in front of Lina before she sat. "You don't have to think about the past anymore my dear. You needed far much more than those, and never say that; you were never a burden on our lives Lina." she interwined their fingers.

"I'm just too anxious and keen in finding my dream, you just won't understand. I had to face a lot before Abuya allowed me to go for arts in my secondary, but the great fight was in my college, he stopped talking to me for like five days just because I applied for Art and now Ms Amrah I've successfully achieve my goal so what do you think is left rather than to show the world my talent. In Shaa Allah I'll apply for this post, I won't let any ego go away with my dream, NEVER!" She exclaimed with her face liting up.

"That's my girl" Ms Amrah gave Lina a thumbs-up "one thing I love in you is that you're full of determination and that's what every woman is expected to be. Go look for your dreams dear, go and find your Noor."

"Thank you Ms Amrah, thank you so much, thank you for encouraging me, for being with me all through, thank you so much. It's being said that those that love you are those that help you in making life easier and happier through thin and thick; Ms Amrah you help me on every step I take ahead, thank you so much." She engulfed her in a hug.

Expectations and RealityTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon