Chapter 52 | HOLDING ON

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Life is just like this book with many pages. There is no late or sudden glory, only a dream awaited for ages. Though one may seem lost, not knowing where to run to, there is always something joyful to hold unto

Ali M. Lawan


Just like the last time Lina was in this clinic, it still held that calmness that consumed her being. This time around, she was the only one in the waiting area and Dr. Maryam arrived few minutes ago. Lina came earlier than her time of appointment.

As soon as the wall clock struck 9, the receptionist beckoned Lina to the Dr's office. Her charming smile was the first to welcome her. She rose and engulfed Lina in a hug, she hugged back with equal enthusiasm. "Salamu Alaiki, Lina. How're you?"

"Wa'alaikissalam Dr. I'm good Alhamdulillah. Sorry for requesting an appointment in a short time, I had to." Her gaze fell down. The Dr noticed her sullen appearance. From the look of things, she dressed in a hurry for her scarf wasn't properly pinned.

She held her hands and guided her to the sofa. "What's the sorry for Lina? I thought I'm the one that requested you always call upon me in need? Tea or... well, there shouldn't be an option considering the weather huh?"

Lina nodded with a smile and Dr. Maryam went over to her tea station. "Where's your husband? I thought you were coming together." She filled two cups and headed back to the lounge.

"He's with the cops." She was absentmindedly staring at the city. The weather was very gloomy and the atmosphere lacks life, some drizzle might soon grace the environment.

She placed the mugs on the center table and took her seat opposite Lina. "Cops?" She tried to hide her bewilderment.

"Uhm." She nodded, still staring outside.

"What happened Lina? Talk to me."

She fixated her gaze on the Dr. Something about her reminded her of Labiba. Was it how they both share a calm aura? Or how pleadingly she was staring back at her, helplessly urging her to confide in her. That was it! It was that same tone Labiba used when she asked her what's amiss, while she was admitted.

"You remind me of my sister." She smiled, "she was always willing to offer me a listening ear. But I never really confide in her. I'm very bad Dr. I was always shutting her away, because of something that happened years ago, although we've fixed the hinges, but I lost my confidence in her. And By Allah she was always willing to help me, with a whole heart. Don't know how or why I always kept drawing back. Why am I this bad Dr?"

Dr Maryam smiled, "You're not bad Lina. You see, as humans, we err in many different ways. And sometimes, it's kinda hard for us to control our feelings. Whenever we love someone or something, we tend to love with our whole being, but when that someone or something disappoints, it takes us a hard time to bring back that trust. Sometimes, never.

"You see, that's how the mind works, we don't know how to control our feelings. Neither can we force ourselves to go against our mind. But with time, we tend to outgrow somethings. All you need is time Lina. She's your sister after all, you can't shoo her away forever, eventually you'll come around. Maybe you were hurt deeply, the scar is still healing, that's why it's hard on you now."

She sipped her tea and held the cup within her fingers. "You know... when Khaldun and I got married, everything was hard and confusing, he was always giving me a reason to walk away, I never did. I had hope in us, I had hope we'll one day sort the odds out and be one. It was a bumpy journey Dr, I had to be stooping down at times just so I could make him see things straight.

Expectations and RealityOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora