Chapter 17 | GROWING

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The sun loved me again when it saw that the stars will not abandon me.

Jenim Dibie


Lina walked hand in hand with her father happily around the store. Their little reunion has bring back the great bond that once exist between them.

For the past two weeks her life has changed completely. She no more sleep with the fear of what tomorrow will bring. She laughs, converse and rejoice openly with her father.

Since after she started working with the Arts company, her life started to change. She no more stays alone and start thinking about her past as she's always occupied with work in the office. Even though their art work is one of a kind, she really appreciate her efforts. She enjoys it as each morning she'll wake up, take her breakfast and leave for office. She love each and every work she's given in the office. There isn't any stress, they usually paint some inanimate objects, forest, sunrise, valleys for their exhibition which she's already used to it since her college life.

Her coworkers aren't that much but are very pleasant, from the receptionist down to their assistant Manager they are all awesome. Even though people do complain about their manager being so harsh and rough towards his workers he has never exhibit such a character towards her, he seems nice and very respectful towards her.

After her first week of work, she was engaged. It was a very simple engagement as only her father, Waliy who turns out to be Ommata's father and the groom's guidance that attended at her father's house. She isn't a big supportive of an event so she only requested for a Walima with her friends. The Nikah's going to take place in the mosque and the bridesmaid requested to be left at home.

All through out the preparation Lina didn't get a glimpse of her soon to be husband. Her father actually did requested for that but it was of no need to Lina. She thinks that whatever her father chooses for her is the best and she isn't going to marry him base on his physical appearance but rather on his spiritual belief. She only get to know that his name is Khaldun from the invitation card she saw with her father.

A trolley got her to a halt as she jolt out from her thoughts. It was only then that she got to realise that she was moving in a wrong direction and unintentionally hit her knee to a trolley. She winced as she robs her knee.

"Sorry sister" a feminine voiced said from behind "it's my trolley, I left it on the way"

"No don't worry it was actually my fault, I wasn't looking though. But I'm totally okay" she said giving her a tight smile.

She turns other way to look for her father and founds him as he busied himself looking for a necklace.

"Abuya" she groaned "I told you thousand of times that I'll use Ummy's necklace. It's perfectly okay for me" she reached over for his hands "please let's get going I'm already tired, it's like we're buying the whole shop" she yawned "I'm even hungry" she added "plus it's past eight in the night" she yawned again.

"OK let's go and pay"

They went over to the payment section and paid for their stuffs before they headed towards his house.

Their house actually!

They all ate their food together with Ms Rayn in a joyous atmosphere. They both kept teasing Lina about her childhood and how they are really surprised on her she's getting married in a week's time.

"My baby's all grown up. Look at you Lina, one day you were just crawling and the other you're getting married" Ms Rayn stated wiping a fake tear.

"Ms Rayn please let's not get there. It's gross!"

"Lina you know it's just remaining a week" Malik asked sipping from his coffee.

"Oh Abuya don't remind me, I hate going dark pink or red in front of you" she confessed.

"And you still don't want to meet him?"

"Yes" came her simple reply.

"I think I have a picture of him in my phone, let me just show you" he stated unlocking his phone.

"Oh no Abuya! I'm sure it's grotesque" she complained shoving some popcorn to her mouth.

"Don't be pessimistic" he stated getting on his popcorn

"This house is no fun! Like seriously were eating popcorn on the dining table" she changes the topic and he scrunches up his face and Ms Rayn laughed.

"And what's with you with a sudden change of topic?" He questioned.


"We were just talking about your childhood, you changed the channel to your soon-to-be husband and now to popcorn?"

"Ok sorry. Let's change the topic. Why are we eating popcorn on the dinning table instead of the living room while watching a vampire diaries or twilight" she remembered their conversion about werewolves and she suppress a smile.

Why always you?!

"Because we aren't from your civilised generation" he replied sarcastically.

"Hhh. Abuya I'm just joking"

They talked about different issues before the all finally bid their last goodbyes and each of them headed to their destination.


"Lina won't you come down? We'll be late!" She yelled from downstairs.

"Two more minutes, just fixing my scarf" she yelled back.

She waited impatiently with her legs crossed as she taps one on the ground with her hand on her thigh as she rest her face on it. Hearing the footsteps of above, she sighed in relief before grabbing her purse.

"We only have an hour to finish the shopping before we get to the spa"

"Spa?" Lina questioned flabbergasted.

"Yes of course, you're a bride though" she rolled her eyes and Lina glared at her.

"You could at least say a brief thank you"

"Why am I supposed to? I can't remember when I requested for one" she taps on her chin.

"You brat!" She smacks her arm.

"Omma the last thing you surely want is to have a broken bone bride" she winced robbing her arm.

"Will you drive or I have to smack you again?"

"I will" she raises her hands in surrender "You're no fun actually" she grumbles as she turn the key in the ignition whole.

"You have to bear with me actually because my hormones are actually everywhere" she stated.

"Okay" she muttered before she drive out from their parking lot.

They went to three different malls just to get two dresses, one for Ommata and the other for the bride.

They actually got the dress Lina prefer after about thirty trials, a simple floor length turquoise gown with a little embroidery at the neckline and the sleeves.


Unwillingly to Lina they drove to the salon after giving almost five different sober looks to Ommata but still she remained still. She kept saying that her skin is much more better by not adding some glows to her original colour.


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