Fallen Comrades

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The audience just simply wait... and wait...

"Finally. Another. Now silence and witness."

The Autobots, Megatron and the Predacons take a seat...

A stasis pod falls from orbit and passes through the atmosphere.

"Incoming stasis pod. Orbit has decayed over the northern sector." Rhinox notifies upon detecting a pod falling from orbit.

"Heads up, bots! Get ready to move." Optimus Primal notifies, putting the Maximals on standby.

"Must I ask what are the purpose of these 'stasis pods' they speak about?" Megatron inquires.

"They orginally came from the Axalon, the Maximal ship you're seeing by the interior. Primal ejected them from orbit while the Axalon was on pursuit of the Darksyde, the Predacon ship, mostly to prevent their potential damage in the crash." Ratchet answered.

"I see..."

"Impact in 5 seconds! 4,3,2,-"

The stasis pod made it's impact in the North where a white tiger witnessed it's fall.

At the Darksyde...

"Impact! Coordinates: 6-1-7 / 8-8-5 120 kilometers north. Shall we go?" Terrorsaur asked

"No, not yet. The Maximals will surely attempt to dispatch their only flyer to reach the pod first, yess. Let us insure that he encounters...turbulence." Megatron replied with ham and cunning.

Megatron scoffs "THIS overgrown lizard is MY descendant? He doesn't appear to be much of a gladiator like I was."

"Wait, only flyer? Them Maximals just got only ONE flyer?" Darksteel asked.

"There may be more, but we have not known any airborne Maximals yet. As of right now, the Predacons have the air superiority." Ultra Magnus assured.

The Maximals prepared to split up to teams, one would find the stasis pod and the other would have to fly to watch out for incoming Predacons. Unfortunately, with Primal as the only flyer, the rest would have to find the pod.

"Got to tell you, BigBot... Doesn't sound like such a swift move, splitting up!" Cheetor said. (Skylynx: No kidding spots.)

"We've got no choice! We're talking a hundred kliks over a rough territory Megatron's sure to launch his own flyers, I have to get there first!" Primal replied impulsively.

"I am not normally an advocate of caution, Optimus Primal... but, in this case, I must register my concern Megatron does not always behave as one might... expect." Dinobot said with concern.

"He'll want to reach the pod first, same as us.Right now it's a race, pure and simple, Optimus Primal, MAXIMIZE!"

Primal transforms to his robot form.

"Nonetheless, you WILL do me the honor of permitting me to exit first. I have... suspicions." Dinobot requested.

"All right... but hurry!" Optimus granted.

"Dinobot- MAXIMIZE!" he transforms to robot mode, goes down the elevator shaft and activates his scanners for Predacon signatures, but no Predacons are around. He lifts back and reports "My scanners detect no hostiles yet something feels...amiss." Dinobot then requested another to Primal "Permit me to lead a scouting patrol."

"There isn't time! One of my comrades is out there somewhere, and every second counts!" Primal refused.

"Oh come on Primal. Doesn't it hurt to look out for Preds lurking around? They could be under Dinobot's radar!" Bumblebee griped.

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