33 | The other sides

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I bounce off the bed and hear someone screaming in the distance only to realize that I am the one who’s screaming. My chest heaves up and down as I drag air in my lungs and feel my veins pickle as ripples of shudder tears throughout my entire being.

It was just a bad dream. It was just a bad dream.

I sweep my hair away from my face that was stuck on my forehead due to the constant sweating and that is exactly when I feel cool metal digging against the skin of my wrists.

What the actual fuck?!

Both of my wrists are tied on the side of the four poster bed I am occupying. Now that I look carefully, it’s now even my own room!

The room was simple and had a dark nature to it. Dark teal walls contrasted with black marble tiles and grey furniture dominated the entire room. There was no light inside the room except for the sunlight peeking behind the light cream sheer curtains. If the circumstances were different, I would’ve gone on and on about the room’s perfection but I was tied to a bed with real cold metal handcuffs. Now was definitely not the time to preach fucking praises.

I don’t even try to move an inch because I know that there is no way I can get rid of these chains holding my hand. So, instead of bruising my skin more than it already is, I stump back on the padded leather headboard and a wave of confusion engulfs me.

Normally in situations like this, it would’ve probably triggered my panic attacks but today I was oddly very calm or maybe it was just the effect of the medicines. Speaking of medicines, over the last week, it had become my companion. I know Anita forbid me to take them unless it is an emergency but I take them almost every day because I needed to have a less violent mind near Sidharth’s vicinity.


My eyes immediately widen with horror when I recall smelling Sidharth’s signature cologne right before fainting. My mind screamed that it was impossible but my heart believed otherwise.

Right on cue, the door to my right opens wide revealing no one other than the person who has been the center of my attention lately and I stare at him with shock as he saunters inside the room nonchalantly.

But what had me petrified with shock was the giant bloody knife that he was carrying in his left hand and he whistled an unknown tune as if it was something he did almost every day.
He was still yet to acknowledge my existence and I swallowed bile down my throat.

I want to scream...something. Heck! Anything will suffice.

But it was almost as if some fish was stuck inside my throat.

As if reading my thoughts, he speaks up “Cat got your tongue, love?”

With a chuckle, he keeps on rummaging something on the dresser in the front and still doesn’t look at me which irritates me for some inexplicable reason.

However, air leaves my body as soon as he turns around faces me with a morbid expression. Chills run down my spine as I notice that the usual cold look in his eyes is now replaced with something sinister and cruel.

‘Who is this man in front of me?’ I ask myself inwardly with disbelief. His face now resembled one of a psychopath except he was insanely hot.

‘Are you fucking serious?! This man might as well as kill you and you’re busy lusting after him! Can you be any more of a whore, Shehnaaz?’ My subconscious yells at me with disbelief and feeling embarrassed as heat creeps up my neck, I peel my eyes away from him to recover my equilibrium. He chuckles darkly and I wince hearing it.

Who is this person? What has he done to my Sidharth? What is the meaning of all these? Why am I tied to this bed?

Thousands of questions swirled inside my head to the point that my forehead started throbbing with anxiety but since I was tied, I couldn’t even massage my temples to lessen the pain.

After a few strides, Sidharth stands tall in front of me and slightly bends down while looking into my eyes intensely.

After gaining a lot of courage, I face him and say “What is the meaning of all this, Sidharth?”

He shakes his head and smiles to himself before looking at me dead in the eye.

“Why don’t you tell me why you’re here Shehnaaz?” He says and flexes his jaw. At first, I frown at his words with confusion but when I finally grasp the true meaning behind his words, I shudder with fear. I knew it was stupid of me to follow the screams.

As I remained silent, he inched closer to me and his breath hit the base of my neck and I looked away which unfortunately exposed my neck even better at this angle. I hear him take a sharp intake of breath and the sound combined with the arousing scent of his aftershave and cologne drives my senses wild with lust.

Something gleams in his eyes which calls out my inner libido and in one flash, his mouth was on me. He tasted divine...a mixture of scotch and honey and something I couldn’t put a finger on. I arched my back as jolts of pleasure surged through my entire being with his warm mouth moving sensually against mine. His hands roamed inside the flimsy material of my top, stroking my skin as if worshipping it.

The kiss we shared was filled with a turmoil of emotions. Anger, confusion, desperation, longing, dust.

Without another word, he frees my hand from the handcuffs and gets up from the bed avoiding eye contact with me. By the time he reaches the door, he halts for a moment and locks his eyes with me.

His eyes were like icy shards stabbing me straight in the heart as he utters in a cold tone, “leave”

With that said, he exits the room, and hot tears well my eyes. Soon they are falling on my cheeks and I start crying with pain. For the first time, I felt like a whore. My palms cover my eyes as I wail with grief and soon shame overwhelms me for being so weak.


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