49 | The New Client

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"Mr.Malhotra, what an unpleasant-unexpected surprise! Oh dear, please forgive my slip of the tongue" I say with fake cheerfulness and watch Sameer's smirk vanish from his face upon hearing the word 'unpleasant'

"Oh well, since Sidharth Shukla spoke so highly of you in the event about your work, I couldn't help but contact you" He emphasizes the word 'highly' and I resist the urge to hurl a hard object on his face.

Tilting my eyes to the left, I eye the expensive china vase I received from an abroad client and think for a while. Would do the trick but having Nitibha as a witness to my display of violation won't be the greatest idea.

I knew that Sameer was toying with me by bringing up
Sidharth's name. If he wants to play a game, so be it!

"Ah, Sidharth Shukla... What can I say? I guess he enjoyed my work on him a bit too much" I knew that this bastard would never get the innuendo, I didn't either.
But let the boy's imagination run wild.

I release a short chuckle and place my left-hand flat on the polished wooden surface of my desk with my other hand resting on my hips, I slightly lean forward to focus my attention on the duo.

"We are here to talk about our home" he said looking at me direct in my eyes.

Our dearest Nitibha pipes in angrily whilst shooting a glare in my direction, still the insecure bitch, I see... But what caught my attention were the words, 'our home'

Sameer looks slightly flushed from having being caught by his girlfriend for eyeing me and soon his face is covered with that stupid smirk. how did I ever find this cunt charming?

"You see Ms.Gill, my girlfriend and I have bought a house in Bandra west but it needs some major innovation and since you are one of the top interior designers along with the fact that we know each other, I thought about asking you for designing our future home" He explains and for some weird reason, I seethe inside.

"Great, just send me over the plans and give me the address of the site. I'll get back to you regarding the issue within the next day"

"How about you come with us now to see the property yourself?" He asks.

Yeah right and watch you act all lovey-dovey with that bitch on your side? No thanks, I'll pass.

"I'm afraid I can't do that" I state simply and shrug my shoulders.

He frowns at my lack of cooperation and before he can say anything else, my phone vibrates on the desk with the screen illuminating Sidharth's name. Despite my foul mood, a huge grin stretches on my face and I excuse myself from the couple before rising from the chair to take my call. However, I don't move that far because c'mon, who can resist the temptation of letting your ex-crush hear you talking with your hot-shot boyfriend?

Whom he also happens to hate, I smirk inwardly with victory and place the slim device against my ears to be greeted by Sidharth's rich deep voice which flows over me like warm Belgium chocolate.

"Hello love, will it be weird for me to say that I'm missing you at the moment even though it's been only a few hours since I last saw you?" He asks with his sexy accented voice and my grin stretches further when I hear his words.

"It's not weird, it's cute," I say with a short laugh in the end, and from the corner of my eye, I watch Sameer flex his jaw in frustration whilst Nitibha eyed him with concern. I knew that he saw the name of the caller ID when my phone was resting on the desk and truth be told, all of this made it even more fun.
Suddenly, a thought occurs inside my head.

Wasn't Nitibha dating Sameer's ex-best friend, Sanket? Or did she fuck him over like she did with Sameer? I ask myself but before I can think about the topic further, Sidharth's voice brings me back to the present.

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