35 | The Ball

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I was applying highlighter on my cheek bones when Neha burst inside my room with a grim expression on her face.

I stop mid way with the brush still in my hand and before I can ask her what's wrong, she blurts out saying, "I slept with Sahil."

For a moment I thought I went deaf after hearing what she said. My eyes widen with a shock when I finally register her words and I stare at her dumbfounded.

What the actual fuck?!

"When...how?!" I wave my hand at her and she sighs like a child who had her first kiss. Except she wasn't happy, she looked torn with her deeds.

"I know I know it sounds so... I don't even know what to name it. I was angry with Ahaan when I saw Anushka exit his room last night when I was fetching water for myself. Sahil also saw it, we were talking, then I kissed him, then we were making out and it felt so good to kiss him, that I totally...had sex with him" She whispers the last part so softly that I almost don't hear her. Her face looked baffled as if she can't believe what she did.

I totally understand her. Sahil was a real catch and I couldn't blame her. If it wasn't for Sidharth, I would've totally shagged him. No wait, never mind. I wouldn't do that. He was hot but not my type. Suddenly a thought enters my head and I question her.

"Were you guys by any chance were at the library last night?"

"Library? No, we weren't" She answers me with a frown and I rest my chin on my hand thinking.

"Why, Sana? Is everything alright?"

I turn to look at her and say, "I don't know. It's just that Sidharth and I were there last night and I had this feeling that we were being watched"

I could swear that there was another person present in that room last night. I even probed Sidharth with this question but he brushed it off nonchalantly saying that it was nothing and that I was being paranoid for no reason. Suddenly, my phone vibrates, alerting me of an incoming text and I decided to check it later. I had a feeling that it was from Sidharth which was exactly the reason why I was avoiding it. Last night was just a distraction from my momentary resolve. I was also avoiding him because I knew that as soon as I'll see him, I'd he itching all over to lure an explanation out of him. As much as I was desperate to know the real story behind his past behavior, I dreaded the truth.

Also, I wasn't going to let him off the hook so easily this time.

Focusing my attention back on neha, I frown when I see her smirking at me widely.

"what's with the look?" I ask her bemused and she throws her head back laughing which confuses me even further.

"I can't believe this. Shehnaaz Gill, you are such a naughty bitch. I mean the library really? People go over there for reading and acquiring education for fuck's sake! By the way, I never asked. How good is he?" She asks with curiosity and scoots closer to me by sitting on the edge of the bed.

I place my fan brush on the vanity table in front of me and laugh. It was true. I wasn't very keen on having
sex because it was never my top priority but I did have a plethora of fantasies for sure. What went down last night wasn't predicted and it just simply happened in the heat of the moment. After we came down from our post coital high, I exited the library as soon as I could. A part of me ached to be close to him but the rational part of me swatted away that idea from my head.

"enough about me, You know...tell me about Sahil' I wiggle my eyebrows at her suggestively to steer the topic away from me which works when I see her cheeks stain with a blush as she tries to hide her coy smile.

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