52 | priorities

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"Your times up, sweetie" I break out of my daze and turn behind to see a middle-aged nurse hovering behind me, holding a metal tray containing various injections. I cringe at the sight of the numerous syringes and nod my head before glancing at my unconscious best friend for the last time.

I exit the glass space and just like every time, I pause in front of the reception desk maintaining the ICU unit and ask one of the duty doctors, "Is her vitals ok?"

The now-familiar doctor looks at me with the same pitying eyes and assures me that she's recovering. But for some inexplicable reason, I find his words hard to believe.

If she was indeed doing ok, then why isn't she conscious yet?

Just like always, I nod my head and exit the dark bleak interiors of the ICU room. My hands push past the polished wooden double doors as I walk out. As soon as I'm out, I enter the changing room on the left to get out of my protective attire and sanitize my body with the sanitizing gun, hospital rules after all.

After exiting the nurse station smelling like a basket of lemons due to the amount of antiseptics, I spot Rohan lounging on one of the steel chairs, as he kept on typing on his laptop. I was grateful for the fact that he was here. I can bet that being a CEO of a multinational company was anything but easy yet here he was, with no regard for anything other than being there for his best friend while she desperately fought for her life.

Or is she?

After what happened, I'm kind of doubtful of all her actions. Is she even trying to stay alive? Or has she given up on life completely?
Before I can drown myself in my pessimistic thought, Rohan looks up from his MacBook and offers me a sheepish smile.

"I've got good news. While you were inside there, Dr. Yadav was here to say that they'll be pulling her out of the coma today and might transfer her inside one of the hospital rooms by tonight"

"Really? That's a relief. I hate seeing her like this, to be honest. The mere word 'ICU' sends shivers down my spine" I say distractedly and inhale the fresh aquatic scent of shower gel that emanates from Rohan's body as I rest the side of my head on his shoulder.

"God, I miss her hurling insults at me. She really had a good sense of humor didn't she?" He sniggers and I join him.

"Don't say 'had'. She's still alive, you know"
"Hmm, good point. She better be alive. There are still so many things I have to share with her, yet. By the way, did I mention the fact that Dr. Yadav is hot as fuck" He says with wide eyes and I throw my head back laughing. As always, Rohan's humor was a welcoming distraction.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I swear if I wasn't straight, I would've totally hit on her" I joke.

"Speaking of which, I really like this Sidharth guy. He seems like a really supportive person. Hell, if it wasn't for him, I would've totally
considered you as gay. Looks like you took my advice about smashing some dude way too seriously" He smirks and I throw him a death glare in return.

"Fuck off. I mean 'smash', really? No wonder, Sanaya's learning such ugly vocabulary, thanks to you" I roll my eyes at him.

"You fuck off-", the vibration of his phone cuts him off and I watch him put his laptop aside as he picks up his call.

"Rohan Jain speaking, who is it?" Gone was his playful aura, it was now replaced with the ruthless CEO persona that the entire world is accustomed to.

"Ms.Beniwal?" I watch him as a smirk graces his lips before he slips back into his normal brooding aura which he reserves for the world to see.

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