38 | Last Night

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"What is with the men being so possessive after one night stands. I thought it only happened in those cliché novels" Neha mutters exasperated and I give her my questioning stare in return.

"Why what happened?"

"Did you not see what sahil did an hour ago at
the auction dance? He literally bid two hundred thousand fucking dollars for a dance with me! Like what the fuck?"

You mean that dance over which both Sahil
and Ahaan were fighting over?" I wiggle my
eyebrows suggestively and she flips me the bird.

"Don't even start with that' She rolls her eyes
and resumes her gaze back at the dance floor
where a few couples were dancing to James
Bay's Us'.

I was thankful for not being a participant in the
dance auction because I had a slight feeling that no matter how big the price is Sidharth would win me anyway and it would surely arouse a lot of attention on me. However, I was enraged when I overheard Natasha telling someone that I didn't join the auction because I knew that no one would pay for me.

That bitch

But I decided to let it go when I saw her
desperately trying to gain Sidharth's attention
throughout the whole evening. It was honestly
hilarious to watch Sidharth constantly dodging her everywhere whenever she attempted to talk to him.

To me, the auction dance was exciting and all
but I simply did not join because it felt more like a slave market. I remember reading on Asterix that slaves in Rome and Greece used to be sold in this manner.

Besides, how on earth are you supposed to stand up on that stage? Like do you fold your hands in front of you? Do you twirl your hair? Do you smile? So I thought that it was better this way by not attending altogether. Unfortunately for Neha, she was too adamant about joining it, and look at her now.

"Oh look who's making his way here" Neha
teasingly drawls out and I look up from my
Facebook scrolling to see Sidharth striding over to us, occasionally greeting a few guests on his way.

"Hello, ladies. Do you mind if I borrow Shehnaaz for a dance, Ms. Sharma?" He charmingly talks with his rich velvety voice.
"Oh, you can do more than just borrowing her.
She is all yours" Neha reassures him and mouths at me, "Good luck on the fuckfest" To which I shoot her one of my death glares.

Sidharth extends his right hand in my direction and I accept it. From the corner of my eyes, I watch Sameer on a nearby table, gripping his champagne glass and sending me a disgusted look that screamed hurt and betrayal. I frown at his reaction but don't pay much heed to it after all I got a dance to attend.

Besides my days for caring about Sameer Malhotra are over.

"Finally I have you alone" Sidharth whispers behind my ears and adrenaline pumps through my veins deliciously when his soft minty breath mixed with scotch hits my neck.

"Well, that is if you are ignoring the existence of the throngs of people surrounding us" I retort back coyly and he discreetly scans his surroundings.

"Good point" He mumbles and raises his eyebrows with mock horror.I try to suppress my giggle and squeal lowly when he dips me. I could see it in his eyes that he was trying his best to resist his urge to kiss me.

"And your love pours down like a waterfall and I can't escape the tide
Here's my hand, baby take it or leave it, leave it
'Cause time doesn't love you anymore
But I'm still knocking at your door
Honey, we can run forever, if forever's what's in store Oh, time to take me home, home, home By the time Mikky Ekko's 'Time' comes to an end, I press myself against him softly clasping his tux lapels and whisper in his ear,

"I can't wait to get out of here" It was indeed true.

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