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Halloween night.

A night where Witches and Wizards and those of other sorts could truly be themselves without hiding.

"A Halloween party? What are we 5?" Theo said taking a sip of his fire whiskey.

"Abraxas is throwing it and he invited all of us. Walburga is making me go so I thought I would ask." Orion said.

Marcelline was only watching from afar as but was not really listening. She picked at her finger nails quietly. Her mind was in deep thought.

Tom walked in and everyone went silent and she looked up. He had a paper in his hand and he handed it to Marcelline.

New threat or freak accident.

A muggle family was found dead in their home with no trace of force or trauma. A green skull above the house marked it as a claim. Do we have a new threat on our hands?

"Well we're definitely public now" she said standing up. "We need to get our name out there. Recruit more people." He said.

"Abraxas is throwing a party" Orion said and Theo sighed. "He just wants us to go so he doesn't have to be alone with Walburga" Theo said. Tom turned around and raised an eyebrow at Orion.

"A Halloween party. Lots of influential people will be there. It will be a perfect time" he said and Tom stepped closer to him.

"A Halloween party?" He said.

"Yes my lord" he said straightening his back. It's sort of hot how they are all scared of him.

He suddenly turned to Marcelline; "get dressed tonight" he said leaving the room and she rolled her eyes.

"You had to bring it up Orion?" She said and he threw his hands up defensively.


She didn't want to go. She really...really didn't. But she knew going against what Tom says is a very very bad idea. So here she stood. In a black corset and skirt with fake wings she just made. She felt like a child. She never dressed up for Halloween so why now?

So she walked downstairs of her manor. Tom was patiently waiting at the bottom of the stairs but once he heard her heels tap the floor he looked up. She knew she looked good but it was always a ego boost when Tom stared at her the way he was doing now.

"A devil?" He said smirking holding out his arm. He was only in a black suit like usual. "Devils follower" she said smirking back.

"Well I think you may be his favorite" he said in her ear and she smiled.

They interlocked arms and apparated away to the Malfoy Manor. They quickly landed on their feet and heard the loud music from outside of the house. There was a few people dressed up in the garden. Nice to know she wasn't the only female wearing a short outfit.

They walked in together. There was a LOT of people. It was hard to even move. Tom had this sense though. This sense of power. That when he walked everybody knew to make way for him. She loved that. She loved his dominance over people.

"My lord" someone said from behind them making them turn around. Abraxas stood there in a black suit as well. He looked at Marcelline up and down quickly but quickly adverted his eyes.

Abraxas pulled Tom into some sort of conversation leaving Marcelline alone. She knew it was better. Tom wouldn't want any distractions while trying to find followers.

She got very bored...very quickly. So she started drinking. First it was shots that's were being floated around the room. Then it was to the open bar across the room. Time had flew by and she didn't know where anyone was but she didn't care. She was having the time of her life. Right now there was no Tom or Death eaters or stress or anything. It was just her and the music.

"You look like you're having fun" Abraxas said from behind the drunken girl. She turned around with a big goofy smile on her face. "I am! Whoever picked the music I want to kisssss them!" She said going to give him a hug but failed miserably.

He only chuckled as she fixed herself. "Do you want to dance?" She yelled. He knew he shouldn't. He really did. He had a wife. He had a kid. But the twinkle in her eye made it so hard to say no.

"I don't know if that's a good idea Marcelline" he said and he watched her smile turn into a frown. "Why not?"

"Our lord-"

"Tom won't care he's busy with that red head in the corner. Come on it'll be fun. Are you scared Malfoy?" She said testing him and he rolled his eyes trying to hide his smile.

"One dance" he said and she smiled dragging him closer to her. Their hands collided as they started dancing with the very upbeat music. He watched her hair bounce with her movements. He watched the smile never leave her face. Oh it felt like everything was moving in slow motion.

"You look beautiful" he said pulled her closer but she ignored him still dancing. Her eyes was closed but he had stopped dancing and was just watching her. It was a sight he was never going to forget. She was everything he wanted. Everything he needed.

He pulled her closer with a harsher force and put his hands on her waist. She stopped dancing as her eyes widened with his movements. They were chest to chest. Breath to breath.

"I never stopped loving you" he said quietly. Her heart was racing. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God.

Where's Tom?

"I think that's enough" Tom said pulling her away from him. Thank God cause she was too drunk to do it herself.

"My lord-" Abraxas said but Tom walked away from him dragging her with him.

"Where are we going?" She said quietly. She knew he was mad by his grip on her wrist.

"Home" he said dragging her outside.

Oh shit.


Hey! I'm so sorry for such slow updates my life has been so crazy lately. I'm working and looking for apartments and starting college in a few months its been so hectic.

Thank you for being patient though 😭😭😭.

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