Just Drive

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I tried to think of any and every way I could get to his gig but I fell short so I asked Steve last minute.

He agreed but only if he came along. I fought him on it but he wouldn't budge so I let him. So now I'm getting ready after telling my mother  I was going to bed early.

I'm being as quiet as possible and I told Steve to park around the block so I wouldn't get caught.

He also thinks I still live in that one house so it works regardless.

I didn't know what to wear to a club since I've never been to one but he said it was decent so I didn't think I needed to dress up too much.

I grabbed a random cut-up grey shirt and then a black leather jacket I hardly wear. Only because it's too nice and I don't want to ruin it.

Then I put on some pants with chains attached to them that make it look like it's keeping the pants together on the sides.

Probably the nicest clothes I have. Hopefully not for long though.

I paired them with my boots and grabbed my satchel black bag because that's the only bag I have and tried my best to sneak out my window quietly.

I closed it slowly behind me and rushed out and around my backyard.

Once I was at the front of my house I started speed walking down the street and around the corner. That's when I spot Steve's car.

I walk up and knock.

He looks at me and pauses for a moment before opening it.

"Hey," he says softly.

"Hey," I say closing the door behind me.

He's staring at me in a strange way.


"Nothing you just..you look nice."

I smile and thank him.

"Alright," he goes breathing in. "Let's go," he says starting the car up.


It's been fairly quiet for a bit so I start talking to avoid the unbearable silence.

"So cool news," I say grabbing his attention as he looks at me for a moment before looking back at the road.

"Robin said she talked to Keith and he's cool with me working on the days Robin can't."

"Really?" He asks in disbelief.


"Bastard barely let me work and you're telling me he gave you the job just like that."

"Well..she said he was very desperate to find someone to cover for her and that he wasn't too fond of well...you."


It got quiet real quick.

"But at least now we can hang out more. I'm excited," I say honestly.

He looks over and smiles at me.

"Yeah me too."

He continues to smile at me and I look over and notice a full bar.

"Oh, I think we're here."

He finally turns and stops abruptly since there's a car in front of us that he almost hit.

"Shit-my bad," he says.

"It's fine," I say awkwardly.

You can see a little crowd of people outside the place like they're waiting.

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