A new strategy

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I woke up the next day and I wasn't too sure what time it was but Eddie wasn't next to me.

I sit up and instantly feel a bit soar down there.

When I get up I realize I made a mistake in getting up too soon and instantly feel a head rush.

I close my eyes and sit down on the bed waiting out the dizzy effect. I thought back to yesterday when the same thing happened at my house when I-

I shoot my eyes open and look up. I get up quickly to search for my pants praying that he didn't grab them. He grabbed my underwear to clean I assume and I really hope he didn't grab my pants or anything.

I find it in the corner of the room and rush over to rummage through the pocket. I immediately feel the bag in there.

I sigh pulling my hand out.

"You okay?" I hear as I turn around to him as he's standing by the door with wet hair. He was showering.


"What are you doing?" He asks walking in as he uses his towel to dry his hair. He's only wearing boxers which at this point isn't a shock but definitely a nice view.

"Just..grabbing my pants," I say standing up.

He looks at me suspiciously and I look over at the clock to see there's an hour until we have to go to school.

"I'm gonna shower," I tell him.

He nods and I grab my stuff making sure not to leave my pants before heading into the restroom.

He didn't say much.

I start removing my clothes when I remember what I heard just before dozing off.

"I love you."

I stop in shock and try to think back. Maybe it was a dream..but I don't remember dreaming of anything else. Then again it seemed so weird and fuzzy a memory in my head, maybe it was...or maybe I was half asleep when he said it.

"Holy shit," I whisper to myself.

That's probably why he's so quiet. Maybe?

I hop in the shower and wash away everything and decide to push it aside for now. If he doesn't bring it up then I should be fine..right?

Not that I don't want to say it back but I really shouldn't be doing that. Plus, if I'm wrong it'll be very awkward and I don't want him to feel pressured to say it back.


When I got out of the shower he wasn't in his room. I got my things ready though for school and I found him in the kitchen making breakfast.

He made eggs and French toast. I was fairly surprised considering the story he told me about Christmas.

"Thought you might be hungry," he says with a smile. He starts to set my plate up and looks at me before looking away quickly.

"You didn't seem to eat much yesterday so," he goes placing the plate in front of me on his little kitchen counter. "Eat up," he says.

"Thanks," I tell him as he grabs his plate and stands across from me on the other side in the kitchen. I sit down on the stool set up on my side.

I look at the food and internally cringe. I try though, for the sake of him worrying. I didn't eat much though and he noticed.

"Did your mom say something to you again?" He asks.

I look up at him shocked.


"Then..why aren't you eating?" He questions calmly. He's not mad but he's just curious genuinely and I can already see the worry behind his eyes.

Freaks// Eddie Munson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now