Only a flask.

448 18 8

It's Thursday afternoon and I'm getting ready for the basketball game.

I talked to my mom about it and of course, she wasn't happy about it. She argued with me and got me a bit riled up.

Luckily my mom has become more and more of a drinker so when she marched into her room once I let her know I was going regardless I went on a hunt.

Needless to say, I made sure I wasn't going to this thing sober.

"Hey," Steve says with a smile as I climb into his car.

Robin stayed after school to get ready and practice so it's just us in the car for now.

"Hey," I say with a smile.

"You good?" He asks looking at me weirdly.

"Yeah. Let's go," I tell him with a little smile.

He doesn't question me any further but starts the car and drives.

He plays his music that I find alright. Very much known artists that are alright. Maybe I'm just picky or maybe I just miss his music.

Moments like these with Steve bring me back to the moments when Eddie would be playing hard rock or metal in the van and just totally losing it. Just tossing his head and enjoying the music. At first, I found it very much startling to witness but I grew to enjoy it. At one point he was trying to get me to do it with him which I did once and we ended up laughing so much that he nearly crashed cause he was just looking at me and laughing.

I smiled at the memory.

"What's got you all smiley?" Steve asks.


"I mean when I picked you up and now? It can't be what I said right? Otherwise, I'd be seriously bummed," he says.

"Sorry, No...I thought it was a bit funny. Honestly," I lie.

He rolls his eyes and it seemed to work though.

He goes on talking about how he doesn't really want to go but he always does what Robin says. Then he goes on a whole little rant about how she has him wrapped around her finger and about how annoying it is because sometimes she could be annoying. In a sweet way.

I laughed at that.

Hearing them talk about each other always makes me wonder, what if? Then again Robin did tell me a while ago that she had feelings for someone I'm assuming isn't Steve.

I wondered who though because Steve seems to like her clearly. Very much. In a different way than Robin likes him I think. His love for her seems more noticeable and obvious than hers. I'm not sure how to describe it other than he seems like he likes her more than a friend at times whereas, with her, I will admit it may not seem like it right off the bat. She loves him, sure, but as a friend and I've grown to see that more as they interact.

I'll respect them being friends though. I'm not sure why I'm so invested in them, maybe I just want to see them happy with someone.

"We're here," he says.

I sigh and when he parks we get out together and start heading inside fast. Considering we're a bit late.

When we get to the gym it was just starting and I saw Robin sitting with her band. I would've sat close to her but then I wouldn't be able to see her play. Plus the bleacher she was on was full so I went to the other one across from her.

Steve follow swiftly and we made it toward the middle of the bleachers.
I don't think Robin saw us.

The principal came out and started the introduction until he let the band take it off with their playing.

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