False Hope

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A/N: Hi everyone! I wanna take a moment to make a big old sappy thank you so if you wanna skip this and just read the chapter I get it. I hope you enjoy the chapter, but for the rest, I want to say how much I genuinely appreciate all the love and support. The couple of people who have told me how much they love the story and how they love the work I put into it truly means a lot. I started this story and wanted to take a slower pace than the rest of the Eddie fics I've read personally. A lot of them portrayed Eddie in a very...interesting way. Lol. I just wanted to make a story where he wasn't too much (if you get what I mean 🫢) an Eddie you can actually imagine saying or acting the way he's written here. I also wanted to share a story of a young girl just struggling with home life and seeking stability within Eddie. I want to say also, again, if you haven't seen my post on my message board already then I just want to say if you relate to Mary in any way I hope your situation is better or getting better and I wish you all the best. My messages are open to anyone who wants to talk. I appreciate all of you and I hope you enjoy this chapter. Have a great day <3


I was bent down holding onto my knees as I took in a couple of deep breaths.

First the whole argument with my mom then this.

"Hey," I hear next to me and I wave a hand.

"Please..I just need a moment."

It gets quiet and I look up to see Steve as he offers me a soft smile.

"Look I know this isn't..Um..easy to take."

"You think," I chuckle. "I mean-I'm sorry I'm just finding this hard to believe."

"It's okay," he says.

That doesn't make me feel better.

I feel like I'm losing it completely. Did I fall down a K hole? Is this what Rick warned me about because it's a little too realistic.

"Look, I wouldn't lie to you about something like this or make a joke," he says placing a hand on me. I flinch and move away.

I hate that I'm acting this way but how else am I supposed to act?

"Look...I'm sorry. Okay..I'm sorry I have to say this because I hate it."

"What? What is it?" He ushers trying to look at my eyes as I look anywhere but him.

"I just..I don't," I sigh trying to say this without sounding like an asshole. "I haven't been here long enough. So I'm sorry if I can't just believe you guys. I don't know, maybe I have trust issues but it feels like I'm getting pranked or something," I rush out in a hurry. Almost losing my breath.
"I'm just waiting to wake up or something 'cause you can't be serious," I say looking at him now expecting him to be upset. He doesn't though. He's smiling which throws me off. "Tell me your joking," I say desperately.

"I wish I was."

I sigh and look down.

"Hey," he says grabbing my attention again. "You don't have to stay or anything. I know it sounds crazy but you say the word and I'll take you home. We can pretend today didn't happen," he offers. "You don't have to be a part of this."

I look at him and think about that but it wouldn't do anything. It wouldn't change what they just told me and as much I hate to admit it, I wouldn't leave because of Eddie. I don't know if it's true but if it is..he just saw something unimaginable and I'm not leaving his side.

I shake my head.

"No. It's fine. I'm fine," I go standing up straighter now. "I'll be okay. I just need a second to myself," I tell him.

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