Chapter 9 - Either blind or dumb.

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Jamie POV

"J? Are you sure you're all right? You've missed your part again."

Dan's words took me out of my thoughts again. I drove my hand over my face and through my hair. Since last night I was desperate thinking of what I'd done that Thea had such bad thoughts about me.

"I'm sorry. Repeat."

I played the first chord as I recognized nobody played with me. Dan was standing in front of me and unplugged my guitar.

"It has no sense. What's wrong with you? Something with Thea?"

I sighed hard and laid the guitar onto the floor. Then I searched a chair and literally fell on it. "Yeah."

"What is it? Oh, don't say she's got another guy!"

"On the contrary. She thinks I'm in love with Lily."

After nobody answered I rose my head and saw their questioninlgy miens.

"Of course it's not true!", I explained and they seemed reliefed.

"Did you said something that made her think that?", Roland asked and added the conversation.

"That's what I'm thinking of since yesterday. I don't remember saying or doing something that made her skeptical."

"Women", Tristan sighed.

"Where is she now?", Dan asked.

"She slept at hers because she drove with her collegue. I think she's at work now, but I haven't heard from her today, and it fucking drives me crazy." Nervously I drove through my hair again.

"Try to talk with her about it. I don't know how she can think something like that of you. Everybody knows you're a loyal one", Tristan advised.

"I already tried to. She just said she'd knew that there's nothing, but I don't believe her. Otherwise she would've called or at least she'd sent me a message." Nobodys got something to say and awkward silence ensued. "I think I'm going to catch her after work and however I can, I try to make her thinking of me better."

"Seems to be a good idea. I think we stop it for today. Take time to think of what to do and if she really thinks you're in love with Lily, she either is blind or dumb", Tristan noted, whereupon I gave him a angry glance.

"Sorry", I said again and all three nodded while they packed their instruments. Before they left, Dan laid his hand on my shoulder and whispered: "It'll get better."

First time that we have the chance to look into Jamies thoughts. What do you think of it? :)


Freaks like us - Jamie Campbell Bower (Fan-Fiction) - Sequel to Freak like meWhere stories live. Discover now