Chapter 35 - Fire and ice

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"I need my keys", I crossed my arms and protested to have this kind of conversation he wanted to make out of this spontaneous visit.
"Well, then we should search for them." He put his hands into his pockets and stretched his shoulders.
"You make it extra difficult, don't you?"
He held his hands up to show that it wasn't intentionally. I didn't believe him when he said "No, I'm not. I just don't know where to search."
I turned around to glance through the apartment.
"Thea-", Jamie held his arm in front of me and nearly punctured me with his piercing eyes. "We're not even able to talk!"
"We are able to talk, but not about us", I admitted half-whispering.
"Why not? Do you really want to forget me?" The anger in me crawled into my cheeks and I didn't even know why I was angry. But because of Jamie my plan failed. "Because there's nothing to talk about us anymore!" His hand drove through his hair and he nervously turned away from me.
"I don't think so. Thea, I don't want to bother you by whatever you're doing in the last time, but I can't hide these feelings anymore."
"You said you couldn't be with me while I'm this confused. Things haven't changed, James." He glanced at me again, this time with such intensity that I totally lost my control.
"But we can do this together. I just wanted you to feel better again, because I know you do not feel good at the moment."
"That's just because of you. And Jim. Everything's so confusing. When I want to cross the street, I don't even know if to look right or left. I'm not even sure if this is my voice talking at the moment. Theres always so much things in my head, I don't know how to sort them." I realized Jamies hands on my shoulders.
"The moment you said I needed help I started thinking a lot. I'm not good for you when I'm like this. Every night I'm waking up tears streaming down my face like waterfalls. I just would be encumbrance for you. For the moment, just I am the one broken. I'd do anything to prevent you from this." My eyes were glassy, but for the first time I hadn't started to cry. His lips were formed into one thin line and his hands on my shoulders quivered. Suddenly I laid my hand on his.
"I think I should go", I whispered and made a step back. As he looked up into my eyes my world seemed to break completely. The blue was no more existing, it has turned into a grey glassy colour that made his mien look tortured.
"Don't look like this. I'm doing this for you." Without early warning, any signal for the coming he literally ran towards me, and pressed his lips so tight on mine like he planned to do this for years. Gently, but yearning he pushed me onto the wall behind us. His breath felt so hot on my cold skin. Like fire and ice came together. Our moves became faster and more greedy. Even though I wanted to prevent this situation, it felt so good like nothing else. My hands cupped his slim face and my fingers drove along his cheekbones. His skin was nearly burning. As my knees started quivering I rapidly swung my arms around his neck, to feel his a second later on my waist. With soft touches they drove down and up my body. He closed the gap between us. I felt like I was going to swoon every second. "Jamie", I whispered between kisses. "I love you."

Jamie and Thea together again? ^-^
Sorry for not updating the last days, there wasn't much time but here is another chapter! (I hope it's a good one)


Freaks like us - Jamie Campbell Bower (Fan-Fiction) - Sequel to Freak like meWhere stories live. Discover now