Chapter 37 - Our dearest friend

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"How are you?" He stood up, upset. Reassuring I rose my hands.
"I'm okay", I sighed. "It's still a weird feeling to realize that I actually have problems I just didn't want to make sure I have." For a second it was quiet. Then he opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again the next second. 
"People always want to be the best they can. And, of course, nobody wants to hear that he's got problems. But that doesn't make you less human. On the contrary, it shows that you're fighting like everyone else, because you're strong. Not everyone would do this step. Thea, you are a really special person, not just to me." Why do I always hear I'd be a strong and tough person, when I didn't feel so at all. I felt like a wreck, shattered and torn - on the inside. 
"Not everyone experienced this kind of fight I went through. I'm special because I have a story to tell." I knew it didn't match the truth but it really seemed so. Many people always want to experience something just that they've got great events to tell their kids, I'm 24 years old and my life has been a whole book. But it was better for no one to read it. 
"Did this man told you that? He didn't seem authentic since the first second I saw him", Jamie gnashed, whereupon I smiled. Playful I hit him in his side.
"Everything's fine with him. He was nice, and it was a great feeling to tell it anybody but you and Jim. I'll come more often." For a second he just stood there, said nothing, did nothing. Suddenly he kissed me on my cheek. "Don't do this for me, do it for you." As he removed, I rapidly took his hand in mine.
"I do", I said and squeezed his hand. Does this mean strenght? Realizing oneselfs problems and even going to a therapist to go on with the life like a normal person? Or does strength mean going through all this shit without getting out of it? There were many ways this torture could have been stopped, but I always chose the hard way. Ok, maybe I was strong, but just because of the arms around my body, when I was about to fall. Alone I wouldn't have been where I stood after all. Jamie was the reason why all this has happened to me, but on the other hand he was the one who helped me to survive it. Actually it was really weird. But now - with this visit - I started into a new chapter of my life. Just with me and Jamie, and nice persons. 
"And now", Jamie held his arm for me to hook in. "Our dearest friend is waiting for us." 
Uncertain I hooked in and followed him to his car. "Who would that be?" 
Theatrical he laid the back of his hand on his forehead. "You exclude our friend? How can you do this to him?" 
"I'm going to apologize, if you were so nice to tell me his name."
"He lives not far from here. You know, Su Shi?", he grinned. 
"Oh no, how could I do that?", I said playful and let myself fall into Jamies arms. Perplex he laid his hands on my back. "Then let's go", he whispered.
"Let's not just go to this restaurant, but in a new direction. Let's start a new chapter. Just you and me, and nothing that will ever disturb us again." 
As if he had a glass of sparkling wine in his hand he cheered. "On our bright future!"
Sorry again, but now my mobile won't let me use apps, so my wattpad doesn't work and I'm not using my laptop this often. Hope I can manage to write more often again. Sorry! x


Freaks like us - Jamie Campbell Bower (Fan-Fiction) - Sequel to Freak like meWhere stories live. Discover now