Chapter 23 - Maybe another day

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Jamie POV

It was like nothing had changed. Thea acted like before the men kidnapped her. Cold and distant. I never took my mobile out of my hand, just in case she would report what was going on. But nothing. No message, no call. Sometime, I started to doubt if we were still together. But then a film of thousands of pictures of me and Thea passed my inner eye and I knew we were meant to be together, and she knew it. Once more I dialled her number.

"Hey", her sweet voice penetrated to my ear.

"Are you free tonight? Watching a movie or going to a restaurant maybe?"

I noticed her hesitation and I got my answer.

"Well, maybe another day", I answered for her.

"I'm not feeling to go outside today."

"The last days you never felt like that", I said in a cold voice that frightened me myself. "Normally I would ask you to do something home but I guess, you don't want to."

"Is it J?", I barely heard the other voice through the phone.

"Jamie I'm sorry-", she began, but I cut her word of.

"Thea, what's up? You're so cold to me, either tell me or not, but I can tell you what I'm feeling like: definitely not like your boyfriend."

"I'm at the hospital to look after Jim and in contrary to you I care for him. At least it happened because of you."

"Because of me? I could swear Jim told you that! Can't you start thinking on your own? I never forced you to stay with me, but I was so dumb to believe you did that out of love!" I was completely in rage. Thea would never say that. Of course it wasn't my fault. Wasn't it me, the one who told Jim to stay outside? I shook my head disbelieving.

"Jamie, calm down first! You know exactly about my feelings-"

"To be honest, I really don't know anything. And I'm wondering if you know what you feel at all."

"I know", she said and hung up. Shit.


Problems and misunderstandings between Jamie and Thea..


Freaks like us - Jamie Campbell Bower (Fan-Fiction) - Sequel to Freak like meWhere stories live. Discover now