Chapter 12 - Sneaky Jim

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Jamie POV

I dialled the number faster than I could think, until Jims hand took the mobile out of mine.

"Are you crazy? We have to find her before this psycho will hurt her!"

"Yes, but not with calling her. If she's lucky, her mobile is still in her pocket. If you call now, the kidnapper will hear and toss it out."

I sighed hard, but in that he was right. I don't even know why this dumb idea has crossed my mind. Maybe it was out of nervousness or fear that something could happen to her. "Okay. And what can we do now?"

"We're going at mine. I've got an idea."

"What?", I asked but he already stood in the doorframe, throwing a waiting glance at me. "What is it?", I asked again, but followed him.

He stormed into his apartment, right to the desk that was standing there and opened his laptop up. Everything was so white in this room, it made me choppy. He tapped something and a program plopped open. "What is it?"

He turned around to face me and drove his hand through his hair.

"A program we could find Thea with."

I frowned and waited for an answer in detail. "How?"

"With...", he started, but sighed hard. "I know what you'll think now, but I locate her mobile."

I pushed him aside and considered the program. It was a big black map with the streets that glowed green. And inside of that chaos there was a red point.

"Where did you got that program from?"

"I... needed it sometime."

I turned around fastly and we stood so close that I could feel his breath.

"You needed it?!", I approached.

"It was just.. all my plans hadn't worked if I hadn't knew where she was.."

"You located her all the time just to carry out your plans?", I spat. "With which you ruined her life, just saying."

With his hand he drove nervously over his mouth and bit in his finger. "I know!"

"Why is this program still on your laptop?"

"I swear, I never used it again!", he held up his hands to seem honest.

"You're such a sneaky wanker", I hissed and turned around to look where the red point was. "I know where that is", I pointed at it and walked out of the door. 

Is Jim still involved in the things that are happening to Thea? :o


Freaks like us - Jamie Campbell Bower (Fan-Fiction) - Sequel to Freak like meWhere stories live. Discover now