Chapter 46

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After putting his coffee down in the desk Arna turned around to notice that there was  no on on the floor. No Karla, Leo, no loud ass Luca. Something was off. Arna then looked over to Wesley's desk to look at  and other simple piece of white lined paper that wrote. "Meeting. 9 floor. Don't be late. Bring coffee."  Arna  took the paper crumpled it up and threw it away. As she took the coffee in her hand and looked at it  for little while then drunk it. She's definitely going to need this today.
Arna walked out into the hallway and went into the elevator as she was going in with Shelly. Shelly gave  a half smile, she didn't look her natural self she looked a little bit tired and sad.

As the elevators door open the two women walked out. Arna has never been on the 9 floor at all so all she did was follow Shelly as she slowly walked to the meeting room. Before they walked in Arna through away the coffee it was empty at this point and what's worse then giving a empty cup then he would know it was her. Arna and Shelly both walked in to a office full of  mark, Karla, Luca, Mr.Betto, Mrs.Betto, Wesley, Leo, Andrew's wife, the managers of  the levels shoot even Lucas wife was there. Arna looked around for a little bit before seeing Karla  waved her hand and then sneaking by to go and stand next to her. Wesley was sitting down  following Arna as he turned to her and signaled for his coffee and a sky why she doesn't have it. Arna sarcastically opened her mouth wide and signaled that she must have forgotten. Wesley glared at her and rolled his eyes making Karla and Arna laugh.

Mr.Betto then stood up and  sighed then looked down and looked up back again.
"As you may know yesterday night we lost a very, very , very  special   Employee that was dear to my heart, he was not only an employee but was like a little brother too me, and I'm sure a older brother to you all, a mentor to guide you through this life,  someone you can surely count on and lean on for support if needed. Andrew. He was stabbed 21 times all over his body then tied and found in an alley." Arna's eyes widened as she looked at Karla who had no expression. Then at Wesley who also had no expression on his face but a smirk. How could these people! "The authorities have been working Heard- ever since the incident l to  find a suspect, me and my families thought and prays go out to his family. The funeral will be held in two weeks. The family ask to not bring any extra guest for this is a private funeral." Arna body became stiff and Karla could feel it she could feel the tension between them.

"I will now be leaving the floor open to anyone who would like to share past happy memories they have of Andrew, but as far as that of you are busy you are free to go." Mr. Betto said.  Just then some people were beginning to leave as some stayed as a a manger walked up to the front and held out a paper and began reading. Arna aggressively pulled Karla by the arm leading to the door of the meeting room. Leo looked over and followed them quickly. Wesley was to focused on eye arguing with Luca to know what was going on.
Arna pulled Karla in the room as Leo slipped in smoothly. Arna looked at the both of them and crossed her arms.

Karla raised her eyebrows. "What?" Karla spat. "What? What Karla?, what do you mean what? We all heard what happened in there and here we are pretending we don't know what the fuck! Happened!" Arna yelled. "Lower your voice, I told you our only job is to mind our business!" Karla said calmly. "That mans death could of been prevented but instead we sat on our asses and do nothing!" Arna pointed. Leo looked at Arna and squinted his eyes. "Look if he was supposed to die who am I? To get involved with that huh you think I'm some fucking superhero that can go and save the fucking world by myself! Huh? No. Because guess what Arna I am also built with flesh and fucking bones!" Karla said.

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