Chapter 70

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Once Ada was dropped off she was shocked to see ambulance and cop cars all around the premises of welsey and her home. Ada eyes widened and quickly ran to the front door but a cop immediately stopped her. "I'm sorry but  im afraid you can't go in." The cop said with his hand out. "No please, my husband is in there." She said showing her ring panicking. "I'm sure he is ma'am but this is  a crime scene and I've been instructed to not let anybody-" just then Steve stepped out of the door and at that moment ada and Steve's eyes both caught each others. "Mrs.hunter?." He said softly. "Steve!" She she said running towards him in an immediate hug. Steve hugged her lightly but she could feel  the sadness coming  off  of him. Ada pulled away and looked up at him. "What happened? What's going on? Where's Wesley?"She asked still panicking. Steve looked down at her sad and didn't say anything at first.

"I think you should probably come in and see for yourself Mrs.....Hunter." Steve sighed. Ada was being pulled by Steve. As he gave the cop a nod signaling Ada was with him. They both went inside the home and there were still cops moving  everywhere in the house.
Ada was still being lead by Steve as her widen eyes looking around at everything that's as going on trying to figure out what the hell was going on? Did Wesley have a stroke? Was he targeted? Was he hit? As Steve lead her to the office there she found more cops and with notepad's and numbers  layering  around the scene.  Once Ada's eyes laid onto the white covered sheet on the ground with a man's body underneath she immediately ran to it. "No, this can't be." She said lowly. Steve moved towards her as laid a hand on her shoulder. "I wanted to tell you but I wanted you to see it for yourself." Steve said sadly. Ada then let out a wrenching scream as she  fell to her knees crying out loud. "NOOOOOOOOO!!!" She cried out. The whole room went silent and the cops all turned to her.

"Who did it?! Who did it?!" She screamed at Steve holding Wesley's body. Steve took a pause for moment and swallowed spit. "It was his own doing Mrs" he looked down. "NO! Wesley wouldn't do that that's not him...he wouldn't leave me here!" She said still screaming and crying. Steve looked down at her with sad eyes but then as he looked around and saw the cops still there he yelled. "What is wrong with you people get out! Can't you see a woman is mourning her husband! Get out!!!" Steve said shooing them out of the office. The cops all hurried and left panicking to grab the things they needed and their belongings.

Steve closed the door and sighed again and looked back slowly at Ada ont he floor still wailing. "I'll leave you alone with him." He said as he opened the door and walked out.

Ada couldn't believe that Wesley would leave her like this, they were supposed to be together forever, but he just left her... why? Why? "WHYYY WESLEY WHYYY?!??" She cried. "I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME?!" She cried more and more. She hugged and cling into his body for some time until she caught the sight of the pistol Wesley used onto the floor next to the label number "5" she plopped Wesley's head onto the ground ad she crawled over to the pistol and took the gun in her hand. Ada smiled at it as tears rolled down her face. Looking back at Wesley. "This is it for us isn't it?" She cried. "No more hurt, no more pain, no more... was this your plan? Just like you said.. no more killing." She said sadly. "Adamma and Wesley free at last..together." Ada pointed the gun in her mouth and tears still running down her cheeks. "I love You wesley." She murmured as the gun was still in her mouth as she pulled  the trigger.

That's when everything went white and buzz rang.

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