A New Beginning

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     Many years have passed since the 'The Ishgar Dragons' have been defeated by Acnologia, and no one has heard from them since. Isghar was practically trapped inside a crystal for many years now and no one knew about it.

     It was now the year X850; 65 years have passed since that terrible day and magic was still spreading around, but only through certain areas.

     In the middle of the city called Shiganshina, there was a military branch that was bound to protect humanity from giant abnormal creatures called Titans; They're known as the Scouts, also known as 'The Survey Corps'. There was a small group of people who were keen on finding out what's been happening through the past couple of years.

     The first person is a guy who's around 5'7, brown hair with green eyes, and wears a green shirt with a lace in the middle, red jacket, black pants and brown shoes. In 'The Survey Corps', he wears a uniform that has a brown jacket with a Scout symbol on it, and white pants with brown shoes. He acts a bit arrogant at first, but he's loyal to those who are close to him. He also has the ability to turn into a Titan called 'The Attack Titan'; His name is Eren Yeager.

     The second person is a girl who's also around 5'7, has black hair and grey eyes, and wears a pink shirt, and a red scarf with a long dark red skirt, and black shoes. In 'The Survey Corps', she also wears a Scout uniform. She can be a bit cold at first, but she cares deeply about her friends; Especially her 2 friends, Eren and Armin. Her name is Mikasa Ackerman.

     The third person is a guy who's around 5'4, has blonde hair with blue eyes, and wears a white shirt with a blue jacket and green pants with black shoes. In 'The Survey Corps', he also wears a Scout uniform. He can be a little bit shy at first, but he's very confident in helping his comrades and friends; His name is Armin Arlert.

     The fourth person is a guy who's 5'3, has black hair with blue eyes, and wears a black shirt with matching colored pants and shoes. In 'The Survey Corps', he also wears a Scout uniform; In fact, he's the captain of the Scout Regiment and is called 'Humanity's Strongest Soldier'. His name is Levi Ackerman.

Eren: "Man, we haven't seen any Titans in 2 weeks. Hey, Mikasa? Doesn't anybody else think that's suspicious?"

Mikasa: "Maybe we finally killed them all. Right, Armin?"

Armin: "I wouldn't be so sure about that, Mikasa."

Levi: "Yeah, Eren's right; This is way too suspicious."

Eren: "See, Armin and Captain Levi think so too, Mikasa."

Armin: "Uh, guys?"

Mikasa: "I just have my own beliefs every once in a while."

Eren: "Still, something doesn't feel right."

Levi: "True, it's not every day you get a break from action when really you're ready for some more."

Mikasa: "Oh, you mean like that time when you attacked Eren in the Court room?"

Eren: "Mikasa, stop it!"

Armin: "Guys?"

Levi: "I had to create an example to confuse them! I didn't want to go through with it anyway, but it had to be done! If I didn't, you would've lost him!"

Mikasa: "That's still no excuse for what you did to him!"

Eren: "Mikasa, enough! Knock it the hell off already!"

Armin: "GUYS!"

All 3: "WHAT!?"

     Before they could say anything, their wagon went towards the rocks and fell apart. Thus causing them to collapse on the ground.

Armin: "Oh man, this is bad! Our wagon is destroyed and our horses are low on energy!"

Mikasa: "Seriously!?"

Eren: "Crap! How the hell are we suppose to get back home now!?"

Levi: "I'll fire off an emergency signal and see if anyone finds us; Just give it 5 minutes and maybe someone will find us. If not, we'll have to go back without the rest our supplies on horseback."

     Levi then fired off a purple smoke flare and waited for someone to arrive. Eren suddenly noticed that he wasn't looking so well.

Eren: "Captain Levi, are you alright, Sir?"

Levi: "Yeah, I'm fine."

Mikasa: "I told you we should've stayed behind, Eren! Leave it to the pipsqueak to screw everything up!"

Armin: "Mikasa!"

     Eren wasn't having it anymore and let his rage out on Mikasa.

Eren: "You are the most possessive, overprotective, psychotic-! UGH! I'm just entirely embarrassed to become related to you!"

     The ground then began to shake making Levi startled by the quaking motion beneath them.

Levi: "What the hell?"

Armin: "This isn't good."

     Eren then started ranting at Mikasa while Levi and Armin are losing their balance from the shaking.

Eren: "Ever since Mom and Dad died, I had to handle most of the bullies that were getting in our way with surviving the cruel world we're living in while you stood by pretending that it's none of our business and did nothing!"

Mikasa: "Uh, Eren?"

Eren: "Most of the fights that started weren't even caused by me! You never believed me about that for a long time, didn't you!? Well, let me tell you, IT WAS ABSOLUTE HELL!"

Mikasa: "Eren, calm down!"


     The ground started moving in opposite directions and cause everyone to fall. Suddenly, they saw a large crystal that came out from the ground and started to rise up revealing a young girl.

 Suddenly, they saw a large crystal that came out from the ground and started to rise up revealing a young girl

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     This was no ordinary girl though, it was 'The Maiden of the Sky' herself, Wendy Marvell.

     What was Wendy doing all the way out here in Eldia? How did she even get there in the first place? If she's here, does that mean the others are too?
To be continued...

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