Dragon Slayer Reunion

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     It's been 3 days now since Wendy and Natsu heard from anyone back home and their starting to get worried about them.

Eren: "Hey, Wendy? Are you guys alright?"

Wendy: "Yeah, I just miss a lot of my friends back home in Fairy Tail."

Natsu: "I guess you could say that we're a little homesick."

Armin: "Well, we didn't want to make you guys feel uncomfortable in there. In fact, Mikasa's got something to say to both of you."

Levi: "Come on, Mikasa, get it over with already."

Mikasa: "Alright; Listen, Dragneel, I'm really sorry about earlier, you know, how I acted and all. I was worried that you guys might be a threat to the scouts and eventually use us."

     Natsu looked a bit concerned about what Mikasa meant, and decided to put it aside.

Natsu: "Hey, no physical harm was done; So, it's all good."

Mikasa: "But I-."

Wendy: "We learn not to hold a grudge on our enemies for too long. Eventually, they will earn forgiveness and forget the past."

Natsu: "Look, water under the bridge; It's all good. Try not to worry about it so much, okay?"

Mikasa: "You think I'm not a terrible person?"

Natsu: "Not just think, Mikasa, I know."

     That comment Natsu gave her made Mikasa blush softly and smile a little bit. This is the first time that she's ever felt this way towards anyone else other than Eren or Armin. Could it be that she has found her perfect match?

Natsu: "By the way, I didn't get to ask before. That cut on your right cheek looks pretty deep. How did you get it?"

Mikasa: "Oh, that? Well, it's kinda a long story."

Natsu: "It's okay if you don't want to talk about it now, but at least say what happened."

Mikasa: "Well, you see..."

     Before Mikasa could explain about her scar, Hanji, Erwin and Erza stepped in and told the others the news.

Hanji: "Hey guys, apparently there are some people with Jean, Connie and Sasha, and they all seem to be from Natsu and Wendy's squad of dragon slayers."

Erwin: "'The Ishgar Dragons' more precisely."

Wendy: "What? Really?"

Hanji: "Apparently, they also ended up outside Wall Maria and we're all over Shiganshina District looking for you."

Natsu: "Where are they?"

Erza: "Downstairs in the dining hall."

Eren: "Could it really be them?"

Armin: "It's very possible."

Natsu: "What the hell are we waiting for? Let's go see them!"

     With those words said, everyone made their way to the dining hall and saw a few kids talking with 5 other people. These people were none other than the other members of 'The Ishgar Dragons'. Gajeel Redfox, Rogue Cheney, Sting Eucliffe, Erik Draconia, AKA, 'Cobra', and Laxus Dryer.

Gajeel: "Hey guys, look who it is!"

Laxus: "Natsu! Wendy! What's up, you 2!?"

Erik: "Now those are some voices I definitely recognize the most!"

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