Learning the Truth

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     Wendy got confused by how Kenny knows Levi well, and felt hesitant to really understand what he means.

Wendy: "Where am I?"

Kenny: "The Underground City."

Wendy: "The what?"

Kenny: "This is where Levi was born and raised."

     Wendy then turned around, and saw her lover out of the chains and moving freely.

Wendy: "Eren."

Eren: "Hey."

Wendy: "You got here too?"

Eren: "Yeah, but just temporarily; Once we're out of here, I'm stuck back in those damn chains."

Kenny: "C'mon, there's plenty to see here. Don't worry, nobody can see us if we're invisible to them. This is just the past; So, they haven't met you guys yet."

     They all then started to look around the city, and Wendy was actually impressed with the scenery.

Wendy: "Whoa, this place is so pretty; I know that it's supposed to be dark and creepy, but I've always found Underground Cities to be very interesting."

Eren: "You do?"

Kenny: "It may look beautiful to you, but others see it as a living Hell."

Wendy: "Really?"

Eren: "How?"

Kenny: "Lack of sunlight; Without it, not many people can move around. Even with proper medical care."

     Soon enough, a younger looking version of Kenny walked into the house, and saw Kuchel looking extra pail and skinny.

Young Kenny: "Whew, you look rough; Damn, did you lose some weight? You're like a skeleton. Hey, Kuchel?"

???????: "She's dead."

     They all heard a voice from a different direction, and saw a young 10-year-old boy who was on the verge of starvation and death.

Wendy: "(Who's that?)"

Young Kenny: "And you? You still alive? Don't worry, I'm not here to kill ya. What's your name?"

     The young boy soon said his name, and surprised both Eren and Wendy.

Kid Levi: "Levi; It's just Levi."

     The pair got very surprised but also shocked as they saw a younger version of Levi right in front of them.

Wendy: "That's Levi!?"

Eren: "Holy Shit! What happened to him!?"

Kenny: "Both him and Kuchel were on the verge of starvation and death. He was so skinny that he could barely move his arms."

Eren: "Seriously!?"

     They continued looking at the memory of their meeting.

Young Kenny: "Well, I'm Kenny; That's my only name. Me and your mother knew each other. It's good to meet ya, Levi."

     Kenny then explained to the pair why he took Levi under his wing in the first place.

Kenny: "Honestly, I wasn't really about to step up as a parent, but at the same time I couldn't let him roll over and die. There wasn't really much that I could teach the brat. I figured gripping onto a knife was a good place to start. Then, it was learn how to get along with others, and how to say hello. How to swing a deal, and how to swing a knife. I had to teach him everything he needed to know about surviving in the underground."

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