Possible Calm Talk

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     While the Levi Squad were dealing with the Female Titan, the other Scouts were busy handling the abnormal Titans at the entrance. Eventually, Laxus, Erik, and the Twin Dragons made it there just in time to give them a hand.

Mikasa: "Guys, are you alright?"

Sting: "Yeah, we barely made it out of there."

Rogue: "Sasha, are you okay?"

Sasha: "Yeah, I'm alright; Good to see you, Rogue."

Armin: "Guys, we just figured encountered 1 of the 9 Titan Shifters of History."

Erik: "The Female Titan to be exact."

Laxus: "Plus, we know what her objective is."

Jean: "It's Eren and Wendy."

Armin: "She's trying to get them."

Connie: "No way."

Mikasa: "Oh God; We have to go after them."

     Before Mikasa could leave to help, Laxus and Erik stopped her.

Laxus: "Hold up, Kid."

Erik: "We know your anxious about saving them, but you've got nothing to worry about."

Mikasa: "What do you mean?"

Erik: "The pipsqueak in our group that's with Eren right now is known to be 'The Maiden of the Sky'. Natsu is known as 'The Salamander' of Fairy Tail, and Gajeel is known by the name 'Blacksteel Gajeel'. With their powers combined, they can kick ass harder and faster than anyone else."

Connie: "Whoa, seriously!?"

Armin: "I had no idea!"

Rogue: "We've witnessed their power before, and it was much more than we can even handle. They even took out an entire army of soldiers when they combined their strength."

Sasha: "That's awesome!"

Mikasa: "Are you sure they'll be alright?"

Laxus: "Yeah, they'll be fine; Have a little bit of faith in them."

Erik: "Besides, knowing our Captain Salamander, he's got all kinds of tricks up his sleeves."

Mikasa: "I hope you're right about that."

Armin: "There's something I heard about a few years ago. In order to defeat our foes, we have to let go of our own Humanity; Thus, matching their level of heartlessness. If you can't let it go, it's not worth holding onto."

Laxus: "Is that right?"

Jean: "It may sound crazy, but sometimes, it's the best way to take down your enemies."

Sting: "Been there, done that, a few times."

Rogue: "It's seems like a very reasonable outcome if you ask me."

Sasha: "(Rogue...)"

     Suddenly, a loud noise was heard from a far distance and startled everyone in the group.

Sting: "Whoa!"

Rogue: "What the hell was that!?"

Jean: "Whatever that was, I hope the others are alright!"

Connie: "Oh God, please don't let that be what I think it really is!"

Laxus: "Cobra, you hear that too?"

Erik: "Yeah, and it's crazy loud."

Armin: "They must've encountered the Female Titan already."

Mikasa: "Damnit."

     Rogue then prepared himself to go check on his siblings until Sasha stopped him.

Sasha: "Rouge, wait! I've heard that kind of crazy sound before! It used to haunt me in my nightmares a lot! That's the sound of a crying animal about to be killed!"

Rogue: "It's alright, Sasha, I know what I'm doing."

Sasha: "That's not good enough though, Rogue! You have to be completely terrified!"

Rogue: "Have you ever seen any of us look scared before?"

Sasha: "No, and I'm telling you this would be the good time to try it out!"

     Rogue then took some time to think for a moment at what Sasha tried to tell him.

Rogue: "(I gotta give her credit though; Sasha's instincts for tracking down enemies are spot on. If anything goes wrong, all Hell breaks loose.)"

     Rogue then noticed that Sasha was getting very anxious, and decided to help calm her down.

Rogue: "Sasha, relax; I know things look bad now, but you have to remain calm."

Sasha: "What do you mean by that?"

Rogue: "If you keep getting afraid all the time, it'll cloud your mind completely. You can't risk letting that happen to you."

Sasha: "Did you go through something crazy like this before, Rogue?"

Rogue: "Yeah, and it was a very difficult time for me back home in Fiore. This was long before I even met you, and the rest of the Scouts."

Sasha: "Oh my God."

Rogue: "The way I calm my nerves is this; Whenever I get stressed out after a long day, I go to the forest with Frosh near the river, close my eyes, and just listen to the sound of silence."

Sasha: "Silence?"

     With those words said, Rogue got closer to Sasha, and began to sing.

     After the song was finished, Rogue soon looked over at Sasha once again, and then told her something very important to always remember.

Rogue: "I know it's difficult to not feel fear, and yes, sometimes you need to know them in order to become a stronger and gentler person, but you also have to know that you can't just let it get the best of you all the time. So long as your friends and family are still alive and here with you, there's nothing to feel afraid of at all."

Sasha: "Thanks, Rogue."

     They both then looked into each other's eyes for a moment, and then smiled softly; Thus, realizing that they were feeling much closer to 1 another than they did before.

Rogue: "Come on, we better get back with the others and help them keep an eye out for any more Titans."

Sasha: "Yeah, let's go."

     Rogue and Sasha then returned to their positions, and kept watch for any incoming Titans. Hopefully, nothing serious happened with Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy and the rest of the Levi Squad while their still on the move from being chased by the Female Titan.
To be continued...

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