An Unexpected Turn of Events

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     After that crazy mess an hour ago, Wendy was in her room with tears forming from her eyes, and down her face.

Wendy: "(Oh My God, I can't believe that really happened! What the hell was with those white scales I had earlier when I tried to get Eren out of the carcus!? That never happened to me before! Could it be a new power that I didn't know about!?)"

     Before long, Eren and Levi came over to where she was, and saw that she was upset about earlier.

Eren: "Wendy, there you are! Thank God! You're not hurt too badly after earlier, are you?"

Levi: "You alright, Kid?"

Wendy: "Physically? Yeah, I'm alright; But, Mentally, not entirely."

Eren: "Wendy, whatever happened back there with the team, it was a big mistake!"

Levi: "He's right; They were all just scared and confused about what happened with you and Eren. It didn't mean anything."

Eren: "Once you look past it, they're actually good people; Except for Oluo."

Wendy: "I really doubt it, Eren."

     Eren then noticed that Wendy had been crying for awhile, and got worried. This caught Levi's attention as well, but he couldn't show it in front of his cadet. So, he had to make an excuse to talk with her alone.

Levi: "Eren, let Hanji and the others know that Wendy's still alright. I need to talk with her alone about something important."

Eren: "Are you sure, Captain?"

Levi: "Don't worry, it won't take long."

Eren: "Alright, I'll be right back."

     Eren then took his leave, and left Wendy alone with Levi. Once there, Levi walked over to her, and stood in front of her while sitting back against the wall.

Wendy: "It was insane, Levi; Once the blades were drawn, I had no idea they'd be that terrified. I honestly thought they were gonna kill me instantly. What happened out there anyway? It was obviously an accident, and I didn't know that would happen."

Levi: "That was my fault, Wendy; The suspicious nature was my top criteria for them."

Wendy: "Huh?"

Levi: "Traditionally, you're not considered a real Scout until you come back alive, but out there's always so little intel to go on. So many uncertainties and unknowns, it's a miracle any of us come back alive."

Wendy: "What do you mean?"

Levi: "You have to be reactive, quick, hit the ground running while anticipating the worst."

     As Levi continued talking, he walked over to Wendy, and sat next to her.

Levi: "That doesn't make them heartless though, Wendy. They're not just a bunch of mindless machines. Whatever that might've looked like out there, I can guarantee you that every single one of those people were conflicted, and actually have a good heart."

Wendy: "I find that hard to believe, Levi."

     Levi soon noticed that Wendy looked like she was going to cry. So, he slowly tried to touch her cheeks, and get the tears off without her seeing him. Soon enough, Eren came back with Moblit to get the both of them back in the main hall with everyone else.

Eren: "Um, Captain?"

Levi: "What?"

Moblit: "Section Commander Hanji would like a word, Sir."

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