Meeting A New Face

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     After they saw the Wendy in the crystal, Eren picked up an axe, rushed over to her, and hit it as hard as he can with each strike. Once it was done, steam started coming out all over the place and pushed everyone back. After it was done, Wendy came out and just stood still in front of them. The Gang was startled, but also amazed by the beauty of this girl's appearance. She looked to be around 15 years old and still alive. However, Mikasa, being her overprotective self, shoved Eren back and tried to make the Sky Dragon Slayer stop moving.

Mikasa: "Stop right there! Who are you!?"

     Before Wendy could try saying anything to them, she collapsed on the ground and passed out.

Armin: "She's unconscious!"

Levi: "Quick, help her!"

     Eren then picked up the unconscious Dragon Slayer, Wendy, and checked on her pulse. Luckily, she's still alive.

Eren: "Well, good thing is she's still breathing."

Levi: "Thank God."

Mikasa: "Better check her throat just to be sure she isn't dead...yet."

Armin: "Mikasa, stop it!"

Mikasa: "I'm just checking to make sure."

Levi: "Enough! Look, she's waking up!"

     Eren then quickly glanced at the unconscious Dragon Slayer girl whose slowly starting to wake up. Once she was partially awake, Eren's eyes started glimmering at the sight of her light brown eyes.

Eren: "Hey, can you hear me? Are you alright?"

Wendy: "Yeah, I think so. Hey,...I ask you...something important."

Eren: "What?"

Wendy: "Please,...come closer."

Eren: "What is it?"

     Eren got just a little bit closer and Wendy gave an unexpected question.

Wendy: "You wanna go mountain sliding with me?"

     Eren then looked dumbfounded, but responded as to not offend her.

Eren: "Uh, sure; Whatever the hell that is."

     Wendy soon got up on her feet and somehow unexpectedly startled the others.

Wendy: "Hey, what's going on here?"

Mikasa: "You tell us! How the hell are you not all stiff after being trapped in that giant crystal!?"

Wendy: "Honestly, I don't remember."

     Suddenly, Wendy heard a sound from a far distance and she recognized that voice anywhere.

Wendy: "That voice; It can't be."

Eren: "Hey wait, Miss!"

Levi: "Where the hell are you going!?"

Wendy: "I can hear a voice from a far distance, and it's someone that I know very well! Come on!"

     So, she decides to go check it out. To their surprise, Eren, Levi, Mikasa, and Armin went with her to see who or what made that sound. To their surprise, there was another Dragon Slayer that was also teleported to Eldia; It was none other than Wendy's Best Friend/Big Brother, Natsu Dragneel.

Wendy: "Natsu!"

Natsu: "Wendy, is that you? head."

Armin: "Who's that?"

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