A Day with the Scouts

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     After finally reuniting with 'The Exceed Squad', they got into their Scout uniforms, and helped out with whatever mission comes their way. First thing they did was to help clean out the old Scouts Training Building. It was large, but they managed to have enough people to get it done fast.

Wendy: "Hey, Levi; Eren and I are done with the upstairs."

Levi: "Alright then."

Wendy: "Hey, um, if you don't mind me asking, where are Erza and I gonna sleep? Is it down in the Cellar where you guys keep your hostages?"

Levi: "Actually, it's different; You're okay with having a Roommate, right?"

Wendy: "Oh, of course; I don't mind at all."

Levi: "Then, you and Erza will stay with Petra. When I told her all about you, she was thrilled to finally have a Roommate who's female."

Wendy: "I see."

Levi: "I'll check your work; Can you take over here?"

Wendy: "Yeah, I'm on it."

     Levi then took his leave, and let Wendy handle his section of the building. She then used her magic to get rid of all the dirt and dust that was remaining, and made the room look great again.

Wendy: "(Levi must be really serious about keeping a place clean. I wonder, how did he even turn out this way?)"

     Soon enough, Petra came in seeing Wendy looking a bit down about something that's been bothering her.

Petra: "Oh, Wendy, try not to be so discouraged."

Wendy: "Oh, hey, uh, Petra, right?"

Petra: "That's me; Hey, I hope you don't mind that I call you 'Wendy'. I know that Eren and the Captain do, and I just didn't want to be rude about it."

Wendy: "It's fine; I'm a casual type of person. Hey, can I ask you something?"

Petra: "What's up?"

Wendy: "Has Levi always been so serious like that before?"

Petra: "Not all the time; Up close in person, Captain Levi isn't all as cracked up to be."

Wendy: "Really? How?"

Petra: "For 1 thing, he's a lot shorter than most of the men around here. A bit on the temper-mental side too; Not exactly what you call an easy grace."

Wendy: "Oh, well then, what about the serious aura he puts on? I mean, he's just so strict about following the rules that he hardly ever has time to relax."

Petra: "Let me guess; You think strength means living by your own rules and clouding out everyone else's."

Wendy: "Well, he didn't exactly see me or Eren as the types of people who follow orders without reason."

Petra: "Timewise, he would've lived up to your expectations. That's what I understand anyways. I don't exactly have all the details."

Wendy: "I see."

Petra: "Wanna hear something interesting about him?"

Wendy: "Sure; What is it?"

     Petra then got closer to Wendy, and explained to her about Levi's behavior.

Petra: "10 years ago, Levi was known to be quite a delinquent in the Underground City. He always takes requests and causes trouble just to get paid."

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