Discussing with the Group

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     After the Female Titan was captured, the squad made their way up the trees with their ODM Gear, and waited for the signal to retreat.

Wendy: "Man, that was crazy."

Eren: "Are you gonna be alright?"

Wendy: "Yeah, I'll be fine, Eren."

Petra: "Here, Wendy, let me help you out with your gear."

Wendy: "Thanks, Petra."

     Petra then helped Wendy fix up her ODM Gear, and waited for the signal.

Eld: "Everyone still here and alive?"

Gunter: "Yeah, we haven't lost anyone in our team yet."

     After about 10 minutes, Wendy told everyone what was really happening the whole time.

Wendy: "Hey, guys, I think I know why Levi didn't say anything about the plan from the start."

Oluo: "Oh yeah? Let's here it then, Runt."

Wendy: "The Scouts were sent out here to lure that 'Mega Blonde Bitch' into a trap. There's a person inside the Titan body, and Erwin wants to know who it is."

     Everyone looked at her with surprise, and noticed that she caught up with everything that happened here with the expedition still going on.

Eren: "What? So that was the plan from the start?"

Wendy: "It's possible; No doubt about it."

Eren: "Look, I'm not complaining; I get keeping it from me and Wendy, but leaving you guys in the dark? You'd think you would've earned more trust."

Oluo: "Damn, you're annoying."

Petra: "I hope you're not suggesting that the captain kept the plan from us, and thinks that we're a liability!"

Wendy: "No, that's not it; He means that there's no way in how Levi wouldn't tell you guys anything about the plan since the start of the expedition. Doesn't that seem a bit suspicious to any of you?"

     Oluo then started to feel frustrated, and wanted Wendy to stop talking.

Oluo: "Enough of this! Petra, knock the teeth out of the brat's skull!"

Petra: "Oluo, stop it!"

     Eld then spoke up as to get everyone's attention.

Eld: "I hate to say it, but they're right."

Oluo: "Huh? What do you mean by that?"

Eld: "We were all being supposedly instrumental to the plan as we were in the beginning, and the captain didn't give us much to go on."

Gunter: "So then what?"

Eld: "It means he doesn't trust us enough to tell us the plan; Kind of a big deal. C'mon guys, think about it. Maybe Eren and Wendy are right, and that they're not the only ones who can change. Someone in the regiment is a Titan Spy."

     They looked at each other 1 by 1 to find out that he might be onto something there.

Gunter: "A Spy? Are you sure about that, Eld?"

Eld: "Well, no; But, I'm pretty sure that the commander believes it."

Petra: "Yes, that seems like a very logical explanation."

Wendy: "Petra, do you really think that could be the reason?"

Petra: "It all adds up, Wendy; In their position, it's the best way to narrow down the list of all the suspects to a manageable number."

Eren: "Yeah, Shiganshina's probably where the Spy got in."

Wendy: "So, wait, do you think that person was also responsible for killing Hanji's test subjects, Sawney and Beane?"

Eren: "Yeah, most likely; After that crazy incident a month ago, Commander Erwin asked me this odd question."

     Wendy then remembered the time when she accidentally eavesdropped on Erwin asking Eren about who the real enemy is. This got her very concerned and curious to know more.

Wendy: "What exactly did Erwin mean by that anyway?"

Eren: "To be honest, I'm not really sure."

Petra: "Neither do I; If I had to guess, it's probably something very serious."

Wendy: "I see."

Eld: "If we had known the answer to that question, he probably would've let us in on everything that was happening today."

Gunter: "That does sound very possible."

Oluo: "Speak for yourself, my friend. I knew; I just decided to keep my own counsel. Doubtless, you appreciate my side of things."

Petra: "Which would be what exactly, Oluo?"

Oluo: "Oh, come now; Surely, you all know. Dear oh dear, perhaps I've said too much already. Well, 1 day when you reach my level of expertise, I suppose I could tell you."

     Petra then got annoyed with him, and decided to make him shut up.

Petra: "Look, we all know get that you like to be Captain Levi, but that's not how he sounds. Just give it a rest already."

Wendy: "Does that guy ever shut the hell up, Eren?"

Eren: "Only if he bites his tongue hard enough."

     Wendy and Eren both giggled for a quick moment before getting back on topic with Levi not trusting his squad to the plan.

Eld: "You think the commander was wrong to keep all of us out of the loop?"

Wendy: "Well, I'm not entirely sure if he was in the right. I mean, why would he go through as to let so many lives die instantly? It just doesn't feel right to me at all. I'll bet Erza, and my brothers would probably think the same way with the situation we're all in now."

Eld: "Wendy, I fully understand that you and Eren have your doubts, but in time, you'll come to realize why Erwin Smith was entrusted to lead the Scouts and carry Humanity's hope."

Petra: "Or why even someone as cagey as Captain Levi would be able to trust him."

     Wendy then took some time to think about everything that happened today, and still felt worried about it.

Wendy: "(Something still doesn't seem right though. If Erwin really was serious about capturing the person inside the Female Titan's body, why the hell would he go so far as risking so many lives?)"

     What Wendy doesn't know was that her brothers, Natsu and Gajeel we're busy trying to help Levi make the person come out of the body, but didn't turn out well. After what felt like 3 hours, the Female Titan found a way to escape, and forced the Scouts to withdrawal from the mission.
To be continued...

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