Inside the Cave

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     After an hour of being knocked out by Kenny's Squad, Wendy and Eren both woke up and noticed that they're in a crystal cave.

Eren: "(What the hell!?)"

     As he looked around the cave, he noticed that his hands and ankles were chained up. Eren tried to break free, but it was too difficult.

Eren: "(Shit!)"

     Soon, Eren heard Wendy's voice below the pillar, and saw that his love was okay.

Wendy: "Eren, is that you?"

Eren: "(Wendy! Thank God, she's alright!)"

     To their surprise, Historia walked into the room wearing a white dress.

E+W: "(Historia!?)"

Historia: "Oh, you're both awake. I'm glad you're still alright. Just hang in there for a bit. We'll be okay."

Eren: "(At least Historia's alright.)"

Wendy: "What's going on here?"

Historia: "Eren, listen, my father has always been Humanity's ally. His only goal was to  keep the secret of the walls safe. It's clear to me now that we misunderstood him. He didn't deny anything. It's true he went after the Scouts, and his people did kill Pastor Nick, but he did that because he had no choice. Everything he's done is for the sake of Humanity."

Wendy: "Wait, what?"

Eren: "(So, that's what happened. It's coming back to me now. How long's it been? Captain Levi, Armin, What happened to the Scouts and 'The Ishgar Dragons'? What's with all the pillars here? I can't even tell if it's day or night. Wait, there's something else about this place; It's feels familiar somehow. Have I been here before?)"

Wendy: "Hold up, something doesn't make sense here."

Historia: "Wendy, please, just let me explain."

     Before Historia could say anymore, her father, Rod Reiss, stepped into the room looking very calm.

Rod: "It's alright, Historia."

Historia: "Father."

Wendy: "Who's this?"

Rod: "It's good to finally see you, Ms. Marvell. My name is Rod Reiss, and I'm the true King of the walls."

Wendy: "You're Historia's father?"

Rod: "I am; I know things look difficult now, but hopefully you can come to understand."

Wendy: "Understand what? The fact that you can manipulate people's memories with the power of 1 of the 9? Or that you used the government to keep the power all for yourself and kill 3 of my Comrades? You must be crazy if you think I'll listen to what you have to say next."

     Just then, Kenny walked into the room.

Kenny: "Good luck trying to reason with that one, Kid. Once he makes a decision, he'll never change his mind."

     Wendy got shocked after seeing Kenny in person herself.

Wendy: "(It's him!)"

Rod: "Kenny, how is everything looking out there?"

Kenny: "Well, the Scouts started a Coup de'tat, and all the other Regiments have taken their side. Everyone found out that Old King Fritz was a fake, and now his council's been arrested. Yep, it's been a royal shit show."

Wendy: "(Levi and the others are almost here?)"

     To his attention, he saw Wendy looking very defensive and recognized her.

Kenny: "Oh, hey, you're the girl that was defending the wagon earlier, aren't you?"

Wendy: "Who's asking?"

Kenny: "Hey, Rod; Mind if I have a word with this kid alone? There's something important that she's gotta know about 1 of her Comrades?"

Rod: "Of course; Come, Historia."

Historia: "See ya, guys."

     Rod then took Historia to a different location, and left Wendy alone with Kenny while Eren was still chained up.

Kenny: "First off, let me introduce myself. Name's Kenny Ackerman, and I'm the guy who took Levi in and trained him years ago."

Wendy: "What? You've gotta be kidding me."

Kenny: "No way; Plus, I noticed something interesting that was happening when you were with the runt."

Wendy: "What are even talking about?"

     Once Kenny stopped where he is, he told Wendy the real reason she was brought down to the cave.

Kenny: "You and Levi seem to have an interesting kind of connection that he almost lost completely with someone he truly cared about a long time ago."

Wendy: "What? What do you mean?"

Kenny: "I've been watching for awhile now, and it seems like you've got him wrapped around your tiny fingers. Come to think of it, you remind him of someone who was also determined to protect people a long time ago."

Eren: "(What the hell's he talking about?)"

Wendy: "What are you getting at here?"

Kenny: "He believes that you're possibly a reincarnation of a woman he once loved. This cave can do more than just a simple Titan ritual. It also lets you see memories of someone else's life."

Wendy: "Huh?"

Kenny: "You're boyfriend might need in on the truth too while he's here."

     As soon as Kenny mentioned their sweet and romantic relationship with him, Eren blushed red incredibly.



     Kenny laughed after they saw their expressions.

Kenny: 'Oh, man; The looks on your faces right now. Hehe, young love is definitely mysterious sometimes."

Wendy: "(Why do I help but get the feeling that he enjoys teasing people with their relationships?)"

Kenny: "Anyway, might as well get on with this."

Wendy: "Get on with what?"

Kenny: "You're about to see the truth behind 'Humanity's Strongest Soldier'."

     Kenny then got on his knees, and began to cast a spell that got both Wendy and Eren shook. A large dark purple barrier covered around all 3 of them, and they got very concerned about what was about to happen next for them.

Wendy: "Okay, this is new!"


     After he finally casted the spell, all 3 of them were in a large sphere that was now blocking the outside, and couldn't be broken or even let anyone disturb them with its concentration. What Wendy is about to see while taking a walk down memory lane is where she got to see Levi before he became parts of the Scouts. From the look on her face, she was in for the biggest surprise of her life.
To be continued...

The Heroes of ShiganshinaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz