Sky Dragon Vs Female Titan: Round 2

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     After Annie revealed her true identity in front of the group, Wendy was engulfed with rage, and then prepared herself to take revenge on her.

Wendy: "THAT BITCH!"

Eren: "OH MY GOD!"


Natsu: "So much for that idea! C'mon, let's head over to squad 3 and go with Plan B!"

     The 5 of them then ran towards the other side of the tunnel and tried to escape from Annie.

Armin: "Damnit! She must've known I was lying to her from the very beginning! She knew we were leading her into a trap! I could've-I should've taken a different approach!"

Mikasa: "Save the should've's for after we're out of here alive!"

Wendy: "She's right! The question now is how do we make an escape from here!"

Armin: "Well, we'll need to randevou with Squad 3! Then, see if we can get the hell back above ground!"

Natsu: "Sounds good to me! Which means we're switching to Plan B!"

     Suddenly, the ceiling was instantly crashed through with Annie's Titan foot; This, blocking their chance to escape.

Armin: "She broke through the ceiling!"

Natsu: "Damnit! Annie must've predicted that we would come this way!"

Mikasa: "What the hell was that, anyway!? Does she not care if whether or not Eren gets crushed by the debris!?"

Wendy: "Doesn't seem like it to me! We're dealing with someone who's been backed into a corner!"

Eren: "Alright, I'm gonna see if I'll be able to transform into a Titan to protect us! Everyone, get close!"

     Everyone got close to Eren as he bit his hand hard trying to transform. However, nothing happened, and he was only bleeding out.

Wendy: "What's going on!? Why isn't your power working!?"

Eren: "I have no idea!"

     He kept biting his hand hoping to transform, but still no luck. Mikasa thinks she might know why, and got close to Eren making him understand what's wrong with him.

Mikasa: "Really? Are you sure you're not having second thoughts? Doubts about Annie?"

     Eren then froze for a moment making Wendy worry about him.

Wendy: "Eren?"

Mikasa: "It's her; The Female Titan. No matter how much you don't wanna believe it, that won't stop it from being true. What did we see back there just now? She's a murderer; Period. It's her, Eren. You know damn well it is. Unless, something else is keeping you from killing her."

     He denied Mikasa's opinion, and makes her stop talking.


     Eren continued to bite his hand so that he can help, but still nothing.

Wendy: "Eren, stop! Just calm down! Remember, you can only activate it if you have a certain goal in your mind!"

     Natsu then took out his blades, and took command preparing for a sneak attack on Annie.

Natsu: "Well, we're not sitting around here wasting time while she's wreaking havoc up there. So, here's what we gotta do! Mikasa and I will head off in the left direction! Armin, at the same time, go towards the right and head for the exit!"

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