Regrets, Apologies, and New Feelings

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     After Wendy defeated Annie Leonhart, the Scouts took her hostage underground and kept her in the basement while being chained up in sealstone. Meanwhile, Wendy was laying down on the bed in the infirmary to recover. After she woke up, she saw not only Erza and her brothers, but also Eren, Levi, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, and Hanji.

Wendy: "Natsu?"

Natsu: "Wendy!"

Sting: "Hey there."

Rogue: "Sister, Thank God!"

Gajeel: "Hey, Kiddo."

Laxus: "Glad you're awake."

Erik: "Yeah, almost gave us a heart attack there."

Erza: "Are you feeling alright?"

Wendy: "Yeah, I think so."

     She then turned her head slowly, and saw Eren next to her with a large wrap around his head.

Wendy: "Eren?"

Eren: "Hey, Wendy."

     Hanji took the chance to hug Wendy tightly, and made her feel pain very quick.


     Levi then touched Hanji's shoulder, and stopped her from squeezing Wendy.

Levi: "Hanji, easy; She just woke up."

Mikasa: "Well, she was the one who took down Annie and saved all of us."

Jean: "True, but she still needs to recover after all that crap."

Armin: "Yeah, fair point."

     Once Wendy began to slowly sit up, she remembered the event that happened at the wall.

Wendy: "So then, Annie's finally behind bars, right?"

Eren: "Yeah, and we got her chained up real good thanks to the sealstone handcuffs you guys gave us."

     She then realized that she didn't see the rest of Levi's squad, and got worried.

Wendy: "Wait, what about Petra and the others?"

Levi: "They were all brought back to life after you gave them your spell."

     Wendy soon felt relieved after she heard what Levi said.

Wendy: "Thank God."

Levi: "Well, all except for Oluo; He's gone."

Wendy: "I see; Levi, I really wanted to get everyone back, but I just-."

Levi: "I know, Kid; You did everything you could."

     Eren felt nervous about what he wants to say towards Wendy with her brothers in the room. So, he kindly asks them to leave.

Eren: "Um, Natsu? Could you guys maybe give us a moment alone? There's something really important that we want to tell Wendy."

Natsu: "Sure thing, Kiddo; C'mon, guys."

     Erza and 'The Ishgar Dragons' then made their way out the Infirmary, and waited outside. Once they were completely gone, The Scouts had some time alone to talk with Wendy.

Eren: "Wendy, there's something really important that we gotta tell you personally."

Wendy: "Really? What is it?"

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