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     After Erwin and all the other Scouts sacrificed their lives, Levi and Erza were ready to kill the Beast Titan. It wasn't going to be easy, but they have to at least try.

Levi: "Now's our chance! You ready, Erza!?"

Erza: "Let's show that Bastard what happens when you mess with Fairy Tail and 'The Survey Corps'!"

     Levi and Erza then made their move on attacking the Beast Titan together, and avenge their comrades that died. Levi went for his arms, and Erza cut off the akilies. Once he was down, they were ready to kill him.

Levi: "What's wrong!? Not enjoying yourself so much anymore!?"

     The Beast Titan became immovable, and tried to harden. However, it was blocked off somehow, and it won't work.

Levi: "Come on, let's have some fun!"


     Once they combined their abilities, the Beast Titan Shifter was forced out with his limbs completely gone and Levi pierced a sword inside his mouth.

Levi: "Hey, nice outfit; What's that anyway? It looks new."

Erza: "This is my Nakagami Armor; It's 1 of the strongest armor I have in my collection. I save this as a trump card in case if I need it for a life or death situation."

Levi: "Not gonna lie; It looks great on you."

Erza: "Thank you; If only Erwin could see it though."

     They both then focused their attention on the Beast Titan Shifter, and he asked them

Levi: "After transforming, if your body's severely damaged, it's too busy healing to let you resume your Titan form. Isn't that right?"

     As the Shifter couldn't respond, Levi shoved the sword deeper in his mouth.

Levi: "Hey, I asked you a question; It's only polite to answer."

Erza: "He can't exactly do that with a blade in his mouth, Levi."

     Just as he wanted to kill him, Levi gave some thoughts into their situation; So did Erza.

Levi: "(I can't kill him yet; There must be someone out there who's still alive. It doesn't matter if they're on the brink of death. I can inject them, and make them a Titan. Then, we'll just have them eat this guy, and the Beast Titan's power is ours. If there's 1 person still breathing, I can save them.)"

Erza: "(If any of our Comrades are still alive, we can use the serum on 1 of them. From there, we'll have a hold of 1 of the 9 Titan Shifters in History. But who can we possibly give it to?)"

     Before they knew it, the Cart Titan appeared out of nowhere, and took the Beast Titan Shifter. This ambush scared Erza, and she quickly dodged it with Levi.

Erza: "LEVI, LOOK OUT!!"

     Erza then grabbed Levi, and moved out of the way. However, the Cart Titan got a hold of the Beast Titan Shifter, and ran towards the other direction.

Erza: "Are you alright?"

Levi: "Yeah; Thanks."

Erza: "Damnit! He's getting away!"

Levi: "Hey, where are you going!? Stop!"

     Erza knew that it was too late to catch up with him. So, she tried to convince Levi that they need to retreat.

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