A New Power Unlocked

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     During the cave's destruction, Eren was about to activate his abilities and save everyone. However, he was stuck inside, and Wendy was getting him out.

Wendy: "Eren! Thank God, you're alright!"

Eren: "Hey, Wendy; Did it work?"

Wendy: "It sure did."

     Eren turned around, and saw his Titan form still there even after being hardened.

Levi: "Not too shabby, Eren; Even after we cut you from it, the Titan hasn't even disappeared."

Erza: "Amazing."

Natsu: "Dude, this could be a game changer."

     Eren then spoke up and told them what happened once he transformed.

Eren: "I almost forgot; Listen, before I transformed, I drank from a bottle that said Armor."

Levi: "Gotcha; Guess that's all you needed to pull it off. 'Cause this time, you did it easily. You saved all of our lives. You came up with everything we've built and seen here in the blink of an eye. It's not exactly pretty, but I can see its potential. I bet this is how the walls were made too."

     Levi then kneeled down to Eren, and told him about the biggest achievement they can accomplish.

Levi: "Guess what? This means we have finally a real shot at plugging the hole in Wall Maria. We had a hell of a time getting here. Long detours, and watched our friends die. As ugly as it's been, look at the position we're in now."

     After hearing this, Eren took a moment to think about their next move to save his home.

Eren: "(If we can pull it off and retake Wall Maria, I can finally go to the Cellar. But, knowing what my dad did...)"

     Just then, Sasha, Rogue, Sting, and Connie came back, and discovered a way out of the cave.

Sasha: "Captain, we've secured an exit, Sir!"

Connie: "Hanji's fine; Armin and Moblit too!"

Levi: "I'm glad to hear it."

Erza: "What about 'The Exceed Squad'!?"

Sting: "All good on their end too, Erza!"

Rogue: "They're waiting outside with them!"

Natsu: "Thank God."

Sasha: "Eren!"

Connie: "You 2 okay, Wendy!?"

Wendy: "Yeah, we're all good here."

     Sasha then ran towards Eren and kneeled in front of him with exhaustion.

Sasha: "We're all safe thanks to you! But to be completely honest, when I saw you run off into the light stumbling like a drunk and whaling like a baby, I thought we were screwed! You looked like an idiot, and my faith was in your hands! It was awful! Quit your bawling! Have some dignity! Least, that's what I was thinking anyway. I couldn't say it out loud."

Erik: "Too late, Kid; You just did."

Sasha: "Damnit!"

     Everyone laughed at how Erik called Sasha out, and got back up.

Levi: "Let's go; We have a Big-ass Titan to catch."

     5 minutes passed, and everyone was climbing up from the cave to the chapel so that they can get out.

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