Unbelievable Discovery

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     After the incident with Annie being the Female Titan 3 days ago, things slowly started to calm down a bit. Well, almost everything. They recently discovered that there are Titans inside the walls; Literally.

Laxus: "Well, that's new."

Erik: "Definitely suspicious on my end."

Gajeel: "What do you think it means?"

Natsu: "Whatever it is, I know that it can't be good."

Sting: "You can say that again, Bro."

Happy: "Yeah, let's just hope Wendy doesn't freak out so much about this."

Carla: "Speaking of which, where exactly is Wendy?"

Lily: "She's still resting in the Infirmary after the battle that happened in Stohess 3 days ago."

Lector: "I hope she's doing well after what happened with her and Annie."

Erza: "I'm sure she'll be just fine very soon, Lector. Besides, she's also got Eren with her in there."

     Meanwhile, Eren and Wendy were both still in the Infirmary and finally about to leave. Wendy woke up slowly, and Eren looking at her.

Wendy: "Eren?"

Eren: "Hey, you're awake."

Wendy: "Yeah; It looks like your wounds have healed up."

Eren: "So have yours."

Wendy: "Well, I was trained in healing magic."

Eren: "That's true."

     Wendy then tried to get up from her bed, but suddenly almost collapsed after rising. Luckily, Eren managed to catch her. The 2 then looked at each other with surprise, and felt awkward towards 1 another.

Wendy: "Oh my God, sorry; That happens to me a lot."

Eren: "Oh, uh, no worries; It's fine."

Wendy: "(Whoa, why am I so nervous around Eren now? This is getting really different to me now.)"

Eren: "(Oh my God, her skin was so soft. Has she always had soft skin like that? Wait, what the hell am I thinking? What's going on with me?)"

     Suddenly, Armin came through the door, and looked panicked until he and Happy saw the 2 of them looking closer to each other.

Armin: "Oh God, sorry; We didn't know you guys were getting closer."

Happy: "They're In ~love~; Hehe."

     Both Eren and Wendy immediately jumped away from each other, and blushed red.

Eren: "Is Happy always like that?"

Wendy: "Yeah; When he sees 2 people close to each other, he couldn't help himself."

Eren: "I see; So, what's up? Why did you guys come over here?"

Happy: "Oh, yeah; Everyone's meeting up outside at the carriages."

Armin: "We got news about the Titans. Someone said that they've breached Wall Rose."

     The 4 of them then made their way outside to the wagons, and met up with the rest of their teams.

Natsu: "Hey, guys; They're here."

Mikasa: "Eren; Wendy."

Gajeel: "Hey, Kiddo."

Lily: "Glad you're here."

Carla: "Wendy, are you alright, Child?"

Wendy: "Yeah, I'm gonna be alright. Wait, where are the others?"

Natsu: "Rogue and Frosh left to help Sasha look for her village and find any survivors."

Eren: "What about Sting and Cobra?"

Erza: "They left with Connie's group at the front lines to locate any villagers that escaped from the Titans before they got in."

Laxus: "I hope those guys are gonna be alright."

     Just then, Hanji came over to the group with a church preacher that was praising the walls.

Hanji: "Hey, guys; I hope we didn't keep you all waiting long."

Natsu: "Nah, it's all good, Hanji; We're used to this by now. Maybe not all the time, but still."

     Wendy then noticed that Levi was walking towards her, and saw that he was wearing black jacket with matching colored pants and a long sleeve white shirt.

Wendy: "Levi?"

Levi: "Hey."

     Both then felt very awkward around each other for a moment. Eren soon saw Wendy feeling nervous around Levi, and got only a little bit jealous of the situation she was dragged in. He also noticed a preacher from Wall Rose joining everyone in the wagon without, and was surprised by how he was here with them.

Eren: "Wait, that's- that's the preacher from the walls back in Stohess District."

Hanji: "I know; He and I are thick as thieves. Interesting, right? We're random."

Levi: "No; On the contrary, there's a reason why we're all here together."

Erza: "Is that so?"

Levi: "We need to investigate the preacher and find out what he really knows about what's inside the walls."

Natsu: "Well, in that case, 'The Ishgar Dragons' will follow up next to your wagon."

Hanji: "Won't you be in the wagon with us?"

Laxus: "Nah; We don't mix well with other vehicles like normal people."

Hanji: "Oh, right; Because of your motion sickness. I almost completely forgot about that."

Natsu: "Laxus, tell the others to saddle up; We're about to move out soon."

Laxus: "Right."

     The Dragon Slayers got on their horses while Erza and the rest of the Scouts got in the wagon preparing for departure. Eren was also being annoyed by Mikasa trying to warm him up with a blanket.

Mikasa: "Eren, it's cold out here; You've got to keep yourself warm."

Eren: "I'm fine, Mikasa; Stop worrying so much."

Happy: "Is Mikasa always like that around Eren?"

Armin: "Yeah; Sometimes, it's embarrassing to him."

Carla: "Hopefully she will stop with this foolishness, and focus on our task instead."

Wendy: "You're the one to talk, Carla; You practically don't trust me to do anything on my own, and you're more of a brat than anyone else in our guild."

     The guys then laughed at Carla knowing that Wendy was right. They all then saw that the rest of the Scouts are ready to move.

Erza: "It seems like everyone's ready to move, Levi."

Levi: "Looks that way; Alright, Jean, start moving."

Jean: "Sir."

     With those words said, the wagons and horses started moving, and the Scouts were off. Everyone then made their way out through the gates, and headed off in 4 different directions to check and see if if the walls were actually breached. Hopefully, they're not too late to discover the truth on what's been happening to them the whole time.
To be continued...

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