The Ultimate Battle

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     After their celebration 2 days ago, 'The Ishgar Dragons', Erza, 'The Exceed Squad' and the Scouts are ready for their battle against the Beast Titan.

Erza: "Today's the day."

Erwin: "Yes; We'll make this victory belong to Humanity."

     Everyone was gathered around at the top of the wall, and felt prepared for their mission.

Wendy: "This is it, guys; We're gonna take back Wall Maria."

Eren: "Only 1 step closer to saving my home."

Natsu: "Hang in there, Eren; We'll get Shiganshina District back no matter what."

Gajeel: "Plus, the people are giving us a send off."

Rogue: "Did the Scouts have something like this before?"

Sting: "Maybe."

Erik: "There's definitely joy in their voices; I can hear them loud and clear."

Laxus: "That much is obvious."

     Eren and Wendy both saw the Sun setting down, and knew that it was time.

Eren: "Just before Sunset; It's finally time."

Wendy: "Seems like it."

     Once everyone was ready at the top of the wall, Mikasa looked over at Natsu and felt worried for him.

Mikasa: "(Natsu, please don't die on me today; I want to stay by your side.)"

     Armin noticed this and tried to get her attention which made her jump and blush red.

Armin: "You okay, Mikasa?"

Mikasa: "Huh!? Oh, uh, yeah, I'm fine."

     As they heard people cheering them on for victory, Levi noticed that some people are getting their hopes up too high.

Levi: "Someone's got a big mouth down there."

Hanji: "Yeah, well, the celebration did get a bit rowdy."

Erza: "How long do you suppose it's been since the Scouts had a send off?"

Erwin: "Well, as far as I'm aware at least, this is a first."

     Erwin then raised his fist high, and yelled loud to get the people's attention. However, it was getting a bit much for the Dragon Slayers to handle; Especially Wendy.

Wendy: "(God, he's so loud!)"

Eren: "You alright, Love?"

Wendy: "Yeah, just my sensitive hearing, that's all."

Eren: "Hang in there; We're almost ready to go."

     Erwin then pointed his sword out to the other side of the wall, and initiated the plan.


     All of the Scouts quickly got on the horses, and were ready to go.


     Once the order was given, everyone moved forward on horseback, and began the operation. Wendy was especially ready after her last encounter with Reiner and Bertolt.

Wendy: "(This is it; We're helping Eren and the Scouts take back Wall Maria. Reiner, I hope you're ready for what's coming after you and Bertolt. You won't get in our way to save Eren's home.)"

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