Recovery and Remorse

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     After Wendy revived Erwin, everyone went to the top of Wall Maria. They earned their achieving victory, but also lost many people that were killed by the Beast Titan. Eventually Armin woke up, and saw Sasha and Rogue next to him.

Rogue: "Armin, good to see you again."

Armin: "Rogue? Sasha? You're both in horrible shape. What happened to you?"

     Wendy and Eren noticed that Armin woke up, and felt relieved.

Wendy: "Eren, look! Armin's awake!"

Eren: "Oh my God!"

     Soon enough, they ran towards Armin immediately once he sat up.

Wendy: "Armin!"

Eren: "You're up!"

Armin: "Eren? Wendy?"

     This gave Eren the chance to hug Armin tightly, and Wendy sat next to him.

Eren: "Armin, I'm so glad you're back."

Wendy: "Are you alright?"

Armin: "Yeah, I think so; What happened to me?"

     The others saw that Armin was awake, and ran over to check on him.

Natsu: "Armin!"

Mikasa: "Thank God, you're alive!"

Armin: "Natsu? Mikasa?"

     Natsu and Mikasa then ran towards the group, and also made sure that he was still okay.

Natsu: "Welcome back, Kiddo; You doing okay?"

Armin: "Yeah, for the most part."

     Just then, Levi came over, and saw that Armin was alive.

Levi: "About time."

     Levi then walked over to the group, and checked on them.

Wendy: "Levi."

Armin: "Captain."

Natsu: "Where's Erwin?"

Levi: "He left with Erza back to Scouts Headquarters."

Armin: "What happened? I saw Bertolt transform, but then everything gets kinda blurry. Did we fight them off!? Is everyone ok!?"

Levi: "It sounds like your recent memory was just about wiped out; Eren, Wendy, tell him everything."

Wendy: "Right."

     Once Levi shot the green smoke signal, Armin was caught up with everything that happened, and felt deeply shocked.

Levi: "Okay, are you up to speed now?"

Armin: "Yeah; We won, but of the Scout Regiment, there were only 26 Soldiers left alive. The 26 of us."

Jean: "That's what it looks like."

Rogue: "The fighting ended 4 hours ago."

Sting: "We've been searching for more survivors, but no luck."

Natsu: "Anything else?"

     Armin then remembered more about what happened, and got even more scared.

Armin: "So, to be clear, we resealed Shiganshina's gate securing Wall Maria, Reiner and the Beast Titan escaped along with the Cart Titan. We managed to capture Bertolt. And then, between both the commander and me wounded, you had to choose which of us to give the injection to. And you did; I transformed into a Titan, and killed Bertolt. I ate him."

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