Possible Rivals

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     After Wendy got to know Annie, both girls had to be alone in an ally way for a private talk.

Wendy: "So, Annie, what did you want to talk with me about? Does it have to do with the expedition coming up?"

Annie: "Like you don't even know."

Wendy: "Huh?"

Annie: "Back away from Eren; He's mine."

     Wendy then got confused by what Annie was saying, and asked what she meant.

Wendy: "Hold on, what are you even talking about?"

Annie: "You obviously like Eren as a man rather than a comrade, don't you?"

Wendy: "What?"

Annie: "I saw the signs from a far distance. You clearly fell for him."

Wendy: "What are even talking about? There's nothing going on with me and Eren. We're just good friends."

Annie: "For now, but I'm not about to let you go any further with him."

Wendy: "Annie, relax; It's not really like that at all with me and him. Eren and I are just good friends."

Annie: "Oh, You say that like it is now, but eventually, your moments with him will change."

Wendy: "What's that supposed to mean, Annie?"

Annie: "It means that I'll be keeping a very close eye on you to make sure you don't try anything with him."

     Wendy slowly starts to feel creeped out, and takes a small step back from what Annie said.

Wendy: "Annie, no offense, but you're kinda starting to sound like Mikasa for a minute there."

Annie: "Oh, that's different, Marvell. Mikasa just cares for Eren like he's her brother. I, on the other hand, see him beyond that limit entirely."

Wendy: "What do you mean by that?"

Annie: "I love him like a human being."

Wendy: "Wait, what?"

Annie: "I've known him since the Cadet Corps, and I noticed something interesting about him. After getting to know him for awhile, I slowly developed an interest towards him."

Wendy: "You've gotta be kidding me right now."

Annie: "Not at all; In fact, I actually see him as someone who truly knows what it's like to be alone throughout your entire life."

Wendy: "How long have you 2 even known each other?"

Annie: "About 3 years now; Truth be told, I would've asked him to date me if I had the chance, but Mikasa is constantly around him, and in the way. Hell, It's practically impossible for anyone to get close to Eren so long as she's with him. Plus, now that you're here, and Eren's slowly taking a liking towards you, that gives me more of a reason to take him back."

Wendy: "Take him back? The hell does that mean?"

Annie: "By bringing him with me back to my hometown."

     After hearing that from Annie, Wendy was shocked.

Wendy: "What!? Are you fricking crazy!?"

Annie: "In fact, I've got big plans for Eren, and you're not going to ruin this chance for me."

Wendy: "What the hell's that supposed to mean?"

Annie: "I'm taking Eren back 1 way or another, and you're not gonna ruin this chance for me."

     After hearing Annie's threat, Wendy managed to stay calm, and keep her  composure as to not draw attention from her comrades. She even made a statement clear to Annie that hopefully she might understand.

Wendy: "Okay, I don't know what's up with you, but if you really think that I would take someone who was never yours to begin with, think again, Leonhart. Even if he was dating you for awhile, I'd never steal him from you."

     With those words said, Wendy began to sing.

     After the song was finished, Annie made a point very clear for Wendy to understand. Not only that, but Wendy's face started to get dark very slowly and started to almost lose control.

Annie: "You really think you understand him as much as I do? Let me make this very clear to you, Marvell; Eren...is...mine, and I'm not letting you get in my way with him."

Wendy: "Do you really think I'm gonna let you get away with this? Well, think again."

Annie: "Just wait and see; Soon, he will know that I'm the girl for him, and you're a nobody."

Wendy: "You wouldn't dare."

Annie: "Actually, I would; And I will go through with it if you don't keep your hands off my Eren. See you later, Marvell."

     After that talk, Annie took her leave and left Wendy alone for a moment before she also walked back to the Scouts.

Wendy: "(What the hell was that all about? What did Annie mean anyway by big plans for Eren? I don't know what's going on with her, but something tells me that she's gonna try anything she can to get him. In that case, I have to protect him from her at any cost. Speaking of which, I better head back to him and return to HQ fast. It's almost getting late, and I don't want my brothers to worry so much again like last time in Fiore.)"

     After Wendy headed back to the Scouts Headquarters with Eren, Annie made her way back to the MP Regiment. Her expression became very dark when she believes that she might have a rival for his attention.

 Her expression became very dark when she believes that she might have a rival for his attention

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Annie: "(Just you wait, Wendy Marvell. I have big plans for Eren. I won't let you or anyone else get in my way with him. I hope you're ready for what's coming next for you.)"

     What Annie doesn't know is that she's about to witness a terrifying power from Wendy. A power so dangerous that it will shake anyone to the core.
To be continued...

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