Meeting New Friends

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     After the matter was finally settled the other day, Eren took Wendy with him to go see his friends who are also in the Scouts.

Wendy: "Where are we going, Eren?"

Eren: "I've got some other friends in my class who are also in the 104th Cadet Corps, and became Scouts."

Wendy: "Really?"

Eren: "Don't worry, Wendy; Some of them are actually good people."

     Once they got to the training grounds, they saw 4 more people standing around and talking.

Eren: "Hey, Reiner!"

Reiner: "Eren, good to see you again. Who's you're comrade?"

Eren: "Guys, this is Wendy Marvell; She's 1 of 'The Ishgar Dragons' that came to our island."

Wendy: "It's a pleasure to meet you guys."

Christa: "My name's Christa Lenz; It's good to meet you, Wendy."

Ymir: "I'm Ymir, and if you even think about getting close to my Christa, you're dead meat."

Bertolt: "Easy, Ymir; Hey, I'm Bertolt Hoover."

Reiner: "Reiner Braun; Good to meet you."

Eren: "Hey, have any of you guys seen Annie today?"

Wendy: "Who's Annie?"

Ymir: "Bertolt's crush."

Bertolt: "Shut up, Ymir!"

Reiner: "She made it into the MPS. So, I think she might be busy."

Eren: "Really? Damn."

?????: "Actually, I just got done with my shift for the day."

     The group then quickly turned their heads and saw their comrade from the Military Police Regiment walking towards them. The girl was a little bit taller than Wendy, had blonde hair in a messy bun, blue eyes, and was wearing a Military Police Regiment uniform; Her name is Annie Leonhart.

Eren: "Annie, you're here."

Annie: "What's going on here?"

Bertolt: "The Scouts have some new recruits helping us with the Titans."

Reiner: "From what we heard, she's part of a group called 'The Ishgar Dragons'."

Annie: "Really?"

Eren: "Annie, this 1 of the new recruits that came into our regiment with her brothers."

Wendy: "Hi, you must be the girl that Eren told me about. I'm Wendy Marvell, it's good to meet you."

     Annie then looked at Wendy's hand for a few seconds, and shook it with hers.

Annie: "Annie Leonhart; Likewise."

Eren: "Hey, Annie, Wendy and her brothers are going to help us in the expedition next month."

Annie: "Is that so?"

Wendy: "Yeah, the Commander said that you guys were low on Scouts. So, we all volunteered to help you out with the Titans."

Christa: "Isn't this amazing?"

Ymir: "Who knows? This girl might have a lot of energy to use out in the fields."

Reiner: "From what we heard with Eren, she has the ability to heal not just herself, but also the people around her."

Bertolt: "She's not a Titan Shifter, but she's incredibly skilled at combat as well as healing."

Annie: "I see."

Eren: "She's got all kinds of amazing skills with combat and healing. She's practically a full package of a human being all together."

Wendy: "Ah, come on, Eren, I'm just here helping out my friends whenever their in danger."

     Annie then saw how Eren was smiling at Wendy instead of her. This reaction soon frustrated her, and decides to find out what's going on.

Annie: "Hey, Wendy, could I perhaps talk with you about something important for a moment, alone?"

Wendy: "Oh, okay."

     Annie and Wendy then walked away from the group, and headed to a place where they can talk alone. While they were leaving, Eren glances and stares at Wendy as she's walking. Somehow, he can't help but smile at her.

Eren: "(Man, Wendy really is amazing; I just hope Annie doesn't try anything to hurt her. Although, I'll bet Wendy can handle her the same way she does with her brothers. Yeah, that's gotta be it. Plus, she's all kinds of incredible. Her long flowing dark-blue hair, her sparkling chocolate-like brown eyes, her sweet and angelic voice.)"

     Reiner noticed his face, and started to snap him back into reality.

Reiner: "Hey, Eren."

Eren: "Huh?"

Bertolt: "Are you okay?"

Eren: "Oh, yeah, I'm alright. What's up?"

Christa: "Well, your face is just looking a little red."

Eren: "Wait, what? Seriously?"

Ymir: "Oooooh, I see what it is; Apparently, the Suicidal Manic of our class has a crush on the new girl in town."

     After hearing what Ymir said, Eren's face turned bright red, and began to freak out.

Eren: "What!? No way! What the hell are you talking about!?"

Reiner: "Hehe; Looks like you got'em, Ymir."

Eren: "Shut up!"

Christa: "Guys, that's enough! Eren's probably just been through a lot lately. Would you really find it funny if someone made fun of how either of you feel for a special person!?"

     Both Reiner and Ymir stopped instantly, and soon started to feel guilty.

Reiner: "She's got a point."

Ymir: "Yeah, sorry about that, Eren."

Bertolt: "Gotta say though, I've never seen you like this before. What happened with you and the new girl?"

Eren: "I guess you could say that I might've found someone who really understands me the most."

Reiner: "Wait, for real?"

Christa: "That's great to hear, Eren; I hope things go well for you and Wendy."

Eren: "Thanks, Christa; I just hope Annie doesn't do something crazy to get on Wendy's bad side. Knowing her, she'll never think twice about anything with a straight face."

Ymir: "Yeah, that's true; Honestly, in my opinion, she's more of a Bitch than I am."

Eren: "I don't know about that, Ymir."

Christa: "So, how long has Wendy been here with the Scouts?"

Eren: "So far, about 2 weeks. Captain Levi and Section Commander Hanji even took a liking to her, and they see high expectations for her."

Reiner: "Really? I'll bet she's practically a golden prodigy to them."

Bertolt: "I wonder when we'll get to see her and her brothers in battle."

Eren: "You will eventually, Bertolt; Once you guys see what she can do, she'll blow your minds."

     As everyone else was talking, Annie took Wendy to an ally way for a private chat. From the look on her face, it's about to be very personal.
To be continued...

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