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     Wendy finally managed to escape from Annie, but somehow, Eren started to feel lonely day after day; It's been a year now since Wendy disappeared from the island, and she's the only person who's been on his mind every single day. Luckily, the Scouts finally got Annie behind bars again; Plus, with the sealstone handcuffs that Wendy put on her, she won't have a chance to turn into a Titan and escape. Furthermore, the sealstone handcuffs have a Magic lock on it; Which means, whoever put the handcuffs on the culprit can also remove it themselves when they see that they've changed the error of their ways completely. Wendy is the only person who can do it. So, Annie is not getting out of those handcuffs anytime soon.

     It is now year X851, and the Scouts are finally about to travel outside Wall Maria, and finally see the Sea. The travel was long, but it was worth the chance to finally see it in person. Everyone was so amazed by the view of it they finally get to see; Levi, Hanji, Sasha, Connie, Jean, Mikasa, Armin, even Eren. They got to get a closer look at it, and started to have lots of fun with this moment that they have here.

Sasha: "Take this, Connie! HAHA!"

Connie: "Hey, Sasha, not my eyes!"

Hanji: "HAHAHA! Wow, is this actual Sea water? Huh, what could that be?"

Levi: "Hey, Hanji, Don't touch that; It could be poisonous."

     Mikasa dipped her feet in the water, and it felt so cold when first stepped in. Even so, she and Armin both had smiles on their faces after finally getting to see the Sea up close in person.

Armin: "Can you believe it, Eren? We finally made it. This is exactly what I was talking about back when we were little kids."

Mikasa: "Amazing out here, isn't it?"

     Eren got too distracted by the Sea to even notice everyone else's smiles, but that's because he was worried about the future they would soon have.

Eren: "Yeah, the Sea; It's so damn big."

Armin: "I know, right? It's exactly how I imagined it to be."

     Eren kept gazing out towards the ocean and imagining what's really going to happen next in their lives.

Eren: "I thought that freedom was really waiting for us on the other side of the walls, but I was wrong. I know what's really on the other side; It's our enemies. Everything we've seen has been as exactly as how it all played out in my father's memories."

Mikasa: "Seriously?"

Jean: "Oh my God."

Sasha: "I really miss Rogue and Frosh; I wonder if we'll ever get the chance to see the others again. Are they gonna be okay?"

Connie: "I'm sure they'll be fine, Sasha; They just need to relax, and be with their friends and families."

Hanji: "To be honest, we really don't know if or when 'The Ishgar Dragons' will come back; Especially after everything they've done to help us."

Levi: "They'll come back to us someday, Hanji; They just need more training of their own to handle. Especially Wendy; She went through a lot of chaos, and she's still young. For now, we need to give them space, and let them relax at their own home continent for awhile."

     Eren then pointed far at the clear horizon wondering if they'll ever be accepted by the world.

Eren: "Hey, If we did cross the Sea, and actually killed all of our enemies, after that, will we finally be free?"

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Eren: "Hey, If we did cross the Sea, and actually killed all of our enemies, after that, will we finally be free?"

     From the way he asked that question, it's like he was afraid about not having a chance to see his beloved Sky Dragon Slayer again, and never be accepted by the world they're all trapped in. That question soon worried everyone, and they were pondering about it too. But, they didn't lose hope. They will wait for the day 'The Ishgar Dragons' will return to help them once again; Especially Eren. No matter how long it takes, he will always wait for Wendy to come back to him.

     What Eren doesn't know is that Wendy ended up in a brand new world where it's full of not Magic, but a different kind of power, and possibly a new love interest that will rival with him for her.
The End
Stay tuned for Book 2

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