Planning an Attack

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     Once everyone got the plan settled, they assumed their positions, and got ready for Rod's arrival so that they can take him down. Erza, 'The Exceed Squad', and 'The Ishgar Dragons' are talking about what will happen after they succeed with this plan.

Wendy: "Anyone see or hear Rod yet?"

Natsu: "Not yet."

Gajeel: "He's still far from us."

Erza: "We need to be prepared for him."

Laxus: "Everything's almost set on our end here."

Erik: "So far, Rod's coming here very slow but he's getting close."

Sting: "We've got all the barrels of gunpowder ready to launch into its mouth."

Rogue: "All we need now is an opening."

Frosh: "To be honest, I'm actually scared about whether or not we don't pull this off."

Lector: "Don't worry, Buddy; Once we help the Scouts take back Wall Maria, we'll get to see the secret of Titans in Eren's basement."

Lily: "In order to do that though, our first step is to stop Rod from destroying Orvud District, and use Eren's hardening ability to plug the hole."

Happy: "We will take back Wall Maria; We can't stop until Shiganshina is saved by us."

Carla: "I hope you're right about that, Happy."

Wendy: "Have some faith, Carla; I know Eren can do this. He's always helped his friends in the past. No way would he ever betray them or us."

     Eventually, Carla started an argument with Wendy about her relationship with Eren.

Carla: "Since we're on the topic of Eren Yeager, would mind telling me how the 2 of you hooked up?"

Wendy: "Huh?"

Carla: "You know what I mean, Wendy; You never told me that Eren is your boyfriend now."

Wendy: "I figured that Erza would've told you about it by now."

Carla: "But, why him of all people though?"

Wendy: "What the hell's that supposed to mean?"

Carla: "I don't recall you ever asking me if you could date anyone."

Wendy: "Why would I need permission from you to date anyone? You never asked me what I ever wanted."

Carla: "That's only because I'm worried about you, Wendy."

Wendy: "Carla, last I checked, you're my friend whose been with me for years, not my mother. So, I suggest you drop this prissy attitude of yours, and accept that I'm not a 5-year-old anymore. Also, don't you dare forget that a captain of the Scouts now. I won't hesitate to feed you to the Titans if you keep making decisions on my behalf again."

     After Wendy ended the argument with Carla, she walked over to where Eren was, and helped the others set up the last of the traps.

Eren: "You okay, Wendy?"

Wendy: "Yeah; Carla was just being too possessive about me being around boys again."

Eren: "Has she always been that way with you back home in Fiore?"

Wendy: "Yeah, and it sometimes gets very annoying on a daily basis."

     Wendy then returned to her post, and helped the others with the traps while Eren was glaring at Carla.

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